The topic you requested could not be found.
Related topics are listed below.

Year End Inventory

Inventory Module » Year End Inventory

It is your favorite time of year, time to complete year-end inventory! It doesn’t matter if you are using a physical calendar year or a fiscal calendar year, iPoint will help you make sure inventory counts are accurate in both iPoint and QuickBooks! Let’s take…

Inventory FAQ

Inventory Module » Inventory FAQ

See links below for Frequently Asked Inventory Questions How to push Inventory to QBO Match Inventory Counts between QB & iPoint Product Manager vs. Purchase Request ;Manager

Inventory Module

Inventory Module

Inventory Module Selections From the iPoint dashboard, clicking on the Inventory module gives you four options: Inventory Dashboard – this takes you to the inventory dashboard, where you can choose what part of the inventory process you want to work on.…

Physical Inventory

Inventory Module » Inventory Reports » Physical Inventory

*Please note that the Physical Inventory is meant just to count available stock. It is not meant to count any allocated stock. !If you are new to iPoint and this is your FIRST inventory – be sure you are ready to live in iPoint. That means once you commit the…

Inventory Reports

Inventory Module » Inventory Reports

Inventory Reports The Reports dashboard gives you access to the Inventory Reports. (I know, that’s hard to believe, right?) Stock Asset Value Stock Levels By Location Items in Specific Location . . . . . . Stock Asset Value Report Stock Asset…

Proposals FAQ

Proposals Module » Proposals FAQ

See links below for Frequently Asked Proposal Questions Walkthrough Mode Show Unit / MSRP / Labor Price Job Site Address Jump to added items in a proposal Grand Total Summary Edit my Contract / Custom Template


CRM Module » CRM FAQ

See links below for Frequently Asked CRM Questions Should I enter the job as a Customer or a Job? Can I merge dupllicate Customers?

Projects FAQ

Projects Module » Projects FAQ

See links below for Frequently Asked Project Questions Serial Number Prevailing Wage

Accounting FAQ

Accounting Module » Accounting FAQ

Here are answers to Frequently Asked Accounting Questions broken down into subtopics. RFP FAQs QB FAQs Miscellaneous Accounting FAQs

Items FAQ

Items Module » Items FAQ

See links below for Frequently Asked Item Questions How do you change an Inventory Type? Custom Items Barcode Scanning for Items Alternate Vendors Multiple Labor Phases for Items

Settings FAQ

Settings Module » Settings FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Settings . . GMail Issues?


RMA Module » RMA FAQ

Here are answers to Frequently Asked RMA Questions. . . How do you handle defective inventory?

Marketing FAQ

Marketing Module » Marketing FAQ

See links below for Frequently Asked Marketing Questions . What happens if I have duplicate email addresses?

Multi-Site Inventory

Settings Module » Module Settings » Items settings » Multi-Site Inventory

If your store has multiple locations, you need to turn on the Multi-Site Inventory functionality in iPoint. With Multi-Site Inventory, you can: track inventory in multiple Sites independently of one another. assign users to work only on a specific Site. quickly…

Sales Order FAQ

Sales Orders Module » Sales Order FAQ

Sales Order Frequently Asked Questions How do you remove an item that has been delivered on a sales order? How do you add or remove sales order types? How can I track retention on sales orders? Can you show me how to simplify the delivery invoice process? How…

Purchase Orders FAQ

Purchase Orders Module » Purchase Orders FAQ

See links below for Frequently Asked Purchase Order Questions . Can I allocate stock to a job after it’s ordered? How do you push inventory receipts to QB using a different date than the PO?

Work Orders FAQ

Work Orders Module » Work Orders FAQ

Here are answers to Frequently Asked Work Order Questions. . How do you remove an item that has been delivered? How do I add tasks to my Work Order from a Project? How do I enter time manually on a work order? How do I replace items on a work order? Is it…

Mobile Access FAQ

Mobile Access » Mobile Access FAQ

Here are answers to Frequently Asked Mobile Access Questions. . . Can technicians share an iOS device? Which Mobile Version should I use?

Inventory Re-Order List

CRM Module » Contact Details » Deals » Inventory Re-Order List

Inventory Dashboard: Re-Order The Inventory Re-Order dashboard displays any items that have fallen below their inventory minimums. If an item has been archived, it will not appear on this list, even if the min/max levels have not been removed from the…

iPoint Online Features FAQ

iPoint Online » iPoint Online Features FAQ

Unfortunately, there are some things in iPoint Online that don’t work. Some are things iPoint is actively working to improve/build. Some of these elements are FileMaker limitations that iPoint doesn’t have control over. Some are elements that iPoint may…

Can I link Sales Orders together?

Sales Orders Module » Sales Order FAQ » Can I link Sales Orders together?

Yes, you can! . A great example of when you might use linked sales orders is when you’re working with a builder. Say the builder does a base package, and a particular homeowner has requested upgrades to the base package. Two sales orders are created so that…

How do you handle defective inventory?

RMA Module » RMA FAQ » How do you handle defective inventory?

There are a couple of options on how to use iPoint to handle defective items. . If the vendor is replacing the inventory. Create an RMA Warehouse in Settings > Module Settings > Items > Inventory Locations Transfer defective or damaged product into the RMA…

How is QB Desktop impacted if we sync items as Inventory or Non-Inventory?

Settings Module » QuickBooks » Items (tab) » How is QB Desktop impacted if we sync items as Inventory or Non-Inventory?

First, let’s look at COGS when syncing items as non-inventory This is how to handle COGS when you are syncing all items to Quickbooks as non-inventory. The process to get accurate monthly COGS is the following: . When purchase orders are entered and received,…

How do you change an Inventory Type?

Items Module » Items FAQ » How do you change an Inventory Type?

How can you change an items inventory type? While it is simple in iPoint to change an inventory type (you simply change the dropdown item) it is not so easy when it comes to QuickBooks. QuickBooks will not let you change the inventory type of an item after it has been…

How do I push Inventory to QBO?

Inventory Module » Inventory FAQ » How do I push Inventory to QBO?

How do I push Inventory to QBO? iPoint does not support inventory in QuickBooks online. QuickBooks Online has multiple versions, and only the Plus version can track inventory. At this time, we are developing the iPoint Sync to work with the most common versions of…

How do I make Inventory Counts in QB match iPoint?

Inventory Module » Inventory FAQ » How do I make Inventory Counts in QB match iPoint?

Making Inventory Counts in QB match iPoint Update QuickBooks Stock Levels Inventory is reduced in QuickBooks every time you push a Delivery or Standard invoice. Similarly, when you push a Purchase Order Item Receipt, the inventory quantities in QuickBooks are…

How do you Push Inventory Receipts to QB Using a Different Date than the PO?

Purchase Orders Module » Purchase Orders FAQ » How do you Push Inventory Receipts to QB Using a Different Date than the PO?

If you create a purchase order on Sept 23 and sync it to QuickBooks, the QB PO is also dated Sept 23. But if you receive items on the purchase order on Sept 28, the synced item receipts still show up in QuickBooks as being received on Sept 23, the date of the Purchase…

How do you Create Custom Items?

Items Module » Items FAQ » How do you Create Custom Items?

How can you create and use a custom item? . If you do not want to add multiple items to your Item database (ie: shades), but want to add the item to a proposal/work order/project, then request and track that product through installation, you may want to create an item…


Settings Module » Users » General

User Settings The General (tab) adds granular user functionality and affects how the user appears in various modules. Job Roles   System Administrator Checking this box will enable a user to access the Settings Module. If you leave this box cleared, they…

Items settings

Settings Module » Module Settings » Items settings

The Items tab consists of options for the Items and Inventory modules. Item Options Options   Default No Discount – A check in this box will cause the No Disc. box to be checked on all newly created items. Marking an item as no discount means that users…

SO Options

Sales Orders Module » SO Options

Sales Order Options The Options button provides a variety of actions you can perform for this particular sales order. Standard In some rare instances, you may want to have the Sales Order reflected in QuickBooks as an estimate. This option is rarely used as…

Tier 2 is HERE!

iPoint Library » Tier 2 is HERE!

iPoint Library Tier 2 is ALL about SAVING TIME and making your life easier! . . . . . . . . UPC Barcodes How about instead of you or your warehouse person spending hours adding barcodes manually for each and every item in your database, we do it for you!?? This…

iPoint Development Roadmap

Welcome » iPoint Development Roadmap

Have you ever wondered what our developers are up to next? Have a pending feature request you’re wondering about? Then, check back here to see what those developers are working on and what you may see coming down the road to your iPoint! Released 2024 One…

Physical Stock Count

Inventory Module » Physical Stock Count

Physical Stock Count The Physical Stock Count tab is where you will conduct a physical inventory. Physical counts are typically done at the end of the fiscal year. But you might also conduct spot counts periodically through the year. Use this button to start a new…

Sync List Options

Items Module » Options » QB Sync List » Sync List Options

Most of the real transactional processes on the QuickBooks Sync List are handled in the Options button. Each of the tabs is detailed below. QB Sync Options: QuickBooks QuickBooks tab Show Items Not Synced – this button will cause the list to display only…

How can I track retention on Sales Orders?

Sales Orders Module » Sales Order FAQ » How can I track retention on Sales Orders?

Retainage (often called retention) is a percentage of the amount certified as due to the contractor on an interim invoice and is deducted from the amount due and retained by the client. Primarily used for commercial contractors, the purpose of retainage is to…

How do I enter time manually on a work order?

Work Orders Module » Work Orders FAQ » How do I enter time manually on a work order?

Manual Entry on iOS From a work order, tap the time icon at the bottom right Tap the Manual Entry button Choose a user from the Resource dropdown list Choose Labor Phase from the Labor Phase dropdown list Type in any relevant notes in the Memo field…

Tier 2 New Options and Features

iPoint Library » Tier 2 New Options and Features

These are some highly requested features and options that we know you’ll really like. Whether you’re purchasing for the first time or upgrading from Tier 1, you’ll need to purchase Tier 2 to access the options below. If you’re purchasing for…

Can work orders be un-linked?

Work Orders Module » Work Orders FAQ » Can work orders be un-linked?

Un-link WO If you got a Work Order that wants to “break free” from linked up Work Orders, you can now unlink them. Simply open up the Work Order details > go to Options > Advanced (tab) > Unlink Work Order. This will un-link that Work Order from any…

2023 December

Welcome » Change-Log » 2023 December

December Update! Tier 2 iPoint Library Have you ever wanted to see how your estimated labor stacks up against others in the industry? Want to use barcode scanning to do your year end inventory without scanning in UPCs for every item? Now you can out with the Tier 2…

Items (tab)

Settings Module » QuickBooks » Items (tab)

Settings - QuickBooks - Items You can import items in your iPoint database in several ways. Manually enter your items directly into the Items module Exporting your item list into a .csv file and sending it to iPoint Support to import Importing items using the…

iPoint Transactions to QuickBooks

Syncing to QuickBooks » iPoint Transactions to QuickBooks

This section of the manual is intended to explain how transactions affect QuickBooks when they are synced from iPoint. There are two primary transaction types to consider, the purchase and storing of inventory and the sale and cash receipts for goods and services…

Stock Asset Value & Wire Master Packs

Inventory Module » Inventory FAQ » Stock Asset Value & Wire Master Packs

Why is my Inventory Valuation SO Overstated?!?!? The typical culprit is WIRE! If you are keeping Inventory of Wire, this should be your first check to see if the per foot counts were somehow, accidentally, added to the per roll item (think of the cost/price…

How do I delete a Sales Order?

Sales Orders Module » Sales Order FAQ » How do I delete a Sales Order?

The first step in deleting a sales order is to revert it to a proposal. Once you have reverted the sales order to a proposal, then you can delete it. Complete the following steps to delete a sales order. . Step 1. Revert the sales order to a proposal Delete any…

Is it possible to duplicate a work order?

Work Orders Module » Work Orders FAQ » Is it possible to duplicate a work order?

Duplicate a WO You may be able to duplicate a WO in less than half the time it takes currently! The secret? When duplicating a Work Order all you need to do is select a technician. There is no need to fill in the rest of the fields; they will automatically fill in…

Item Details

Items Module » Item Details

Item Details An item’s details are the most critical part of the iPoint database because it encompasses information that affects sales, ordering, scheduling, billing, and inventory control. Navigation In addition to the standard navigation elements…

QB Step 4: Importing Data

Welcome » OnBoarding » iPoint Setup » Setup QuickBooks » QB Step 4: Importing Data

The final step to integrating QuickBooks into the iPoint process is to populate your customer, vendor, and Items lists. If you are setting up QuickBooks for the first time or are bringing these lists from another piece of software, you can skip this step. !iPoint can…

QB Sync List

Items Module » Options » QB Sync List

QuickBooks Sync List The QuickBooks Sync List is where updates to items in Quickbooks are managed. To access this list, open Items > Options (button) > Views (tab) >QB Sync List Header Your first option is the sort drop-down where you can sort the list of items…


Sales Orders Module » Billing

There are three primary methods for billing sales jobs in iPoint. Each of the options functions slightly differently and as a result, cause the Billing tab to appear and function differently. Before we get started on the processes, let’s understand the…

Syncing to QuickBooks

Syncing to QuickBooks

iPoint is a project management software that runs almost every aspect of your business. From sales and service to purchasing and invoicing to inventory and time tracking, iPoint does it all… almost! While we are experts at project management and job costing,…

How can I list Unit / MSRP / Labor Price on my Client Proposal

Proposals Module » Proposals FAQ » How can I list Unit / MSRP / Labor Price on my Client Proposal

How can I list a (Unit / MSRP / Labor) price on my client’s Proposal? The two columns of numbers on the client proposal can seem confusing. So, in this section, we’ll take a look at the numbers in the left-hand column: what the number choices are, where…

Accounting Options

Settings Module » Module Settings » Proposals settings » Accounting » Accounting Options

We’re all in business to make money. And there is nothing more fun than counting the money you’ve made at the end of the day. But it is never really that simple, is it? Accounting is more than just zeros and ones. There are many ways to account for things…

Export to Excel

Items Module » Options » QB Sync List » Sync List Options » Export to Excel

Items List: Excel to Excel To simplify the manipulation of your item list, you can export your items into an Excel spreadsheet. This is useful for doing mass edits, entering manual inventory counts, and other database processes. Once edited in Excel, the data can be…

2021 Q4

Welcome » Change-Log » 2021 Q4

This page represents the features and updates made to iPoint since our last release. While this list isn’t comprehensive, it does list the majority of the changes and upgrades we’ve made to iPoint. These features are all current as of Version…

Can I use a double window envelope for my invoices?

Accounting Module » Accounting FAQ » Miscellaneous Accounting FAQs » Can I use a double window envelope for my invoices?

Are you wasting money on return address labels or time on addressing envelopes by hand? Did you know you can set up your invoices to print so you can use them with double-window envelopes? To change the invoice settings to the double-window template, go…

FileMaker Updates

Welcome » Support & Training » FileMaker Updates

Wondering if you should update your FileMaker? Always check back here for all the latest and greatest information and links! When it comes to updates, we’ve noticed a few different… let’s say “personality types.” Has the need to update…

RFP vs Delivery Invoice Variance

Sales Orders Module » Sales Order FAQ » RFP vs Delivery Invoice Variance

At the end of a job, the RFP balance and the Delivery Invoice balance should match. . However, there are times when the two balances do not match, and this is generally due to including actual time or parts directly onto delivery invoices rather than going through the…

Can an Item have multiple Labor Phases?

Items Module » Items FAQ » Can an Item have multiple Labor Phases?

Can an Item have multiple labor phases? Multiple Labor Phases on an Item In the American frontier, many occupations required you to be a jack of all trades and perhaps king among them was the pioneer doctor. Pioneer doctors were regularly tasked with being general…

How do I replace parts on a work order?

Work Orders Module » Work Orders FAQ » How do I replace parts on a work order?

Add a Replacement Part to the Work Order We’re here to help you take the guesswork out of some of the technology troubles you may encounter. In this edition of “Help! Robots are taking over the world,” we bring you the fol-low-ing: How to Replace Parts on a…

Glossary of Terms

Welcome » Glossary of Terms

As you navigate the iPoint User Manual, you will see us use some of the following terms. Credit Memo: A document that details items, parts, and charges refunded to the customer. A credit memo can be applied to an invoice or refund a customer payment in…

The Serial Number Field is an Open Text Field

Projects Module » Projects FAQ » The Serial Number Field is an Open Text Field

The Serial Number field is an open text field where you can enter a serial number, MAC address, or even general notes. If you want to enter a MAC address, enter “MAC: MA-CA-DD-RE-SS-01” (or “MAC: MA:CA:DD:RE:SS:02”, depending on the format…

How do I simplify the delivery invoice process?

Sales Orders Module » Sales Order FAQ » How do I simplify the delivery invoice process?

Create All Delivery Invoices Create, sync, and apply RFP credits to delivery invoices in no time. No need to do each step for each individual Sales Order – you can check this off your list in just a few steps. 1. Create All Delivery Invoices From the Sales…

QuickBooks: Desktop vs. Online

Settings Module » QuickBooks » QuickBooks: Desktop vs. Online

iPoint synchronizes with both the Desktop and Online versions of QuickBooks. We have done our best to make sure that data and transactions sync seamlessly to create a simple yet powerful connection. Which of the platforms should you use to interface with iPoint. We…

Using the Product Manager

Sales Orders Module » Product » Product Manager » Using the Product Manager

There are two ways to work with parts: individually and in bulk. Individual Product If you want to work with only one or two items, the individual Stock Options button might be the easiest process. At the end of each line are two buttons. The Stock Options button ( …

Can I switch labor phases on a work order?

Work Orders Module » Work Orders FAQ » Can I switch labor phases on a work order?

Switch Labor Phase Phone When you Check-In for a Work Order, you first choose your Labor Phase such as travel, install, service, trim out, etc. But did you know you can switch to a different labor phase without checking out first then checking back in? This is…

Can I merge duplicate Customers?

CRM Module » CRM FAQ » Can I merge duplicate Customers?

I’ve got two customer records for one individual. How do I merge the two customers into one? As you search through your customers, are you seeing multiples? “Hey! Aren’t Rob Marks and Robert Marks the same person? Wait a minute… did someone add…

Mix Analysis

Reports Module » Sales Order Reports » Mix Analysis

Mix Analysis report The Mix Analysis report provides a study of sales orders based on the mix of labor, parts, and time sold. iPoint developed this report in conjunction with the Vital Management Group, an audio-video business process coach. Here are the details…


Items Module » Item Details » Stock

Items: Stock The Stock tab is where you will find details about stock transactions and inventory history. The stock tab is only available on items with an Inventory Type of Inventory and is hidden on all other inventory types since we do not track inventory…

Product Manager Options

Sales Orders Module » Product » Product Manager » Product Manager Options

Clicking the Options button on the Product Manager presents a number of different options available to you. These options are spread out across four tabs and each tab is described in detail here. Product Options: Transactions Transactions The transaction tab is…

Delivery Invoices List

Accounting Module » Delivery Invoices List

Delivery Invoice List Delivery Invoices are only created from Sales Orders when utilizing one of the RFP (Request For Payment) billing methods. Delivery invoices are internal invoices and are not intended to send to customers. That is the reason there is a separate…


Settings Module » QuickBooks » Sites

QuickBooks Site Settings Companies that use QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise have an option to add Advanced Inventory functionality. With that Intuit add-on, QuickBooks can track inventory through multiple sites. Note: If you do not have Advanced Inventory activated in…

2020 Q4

Welcome » Change-Log » 2020 Q4

This page represents the features and updates made to iPoint since our last release. While this list isn’t comprehensive, it does list the majority of the changes and upgrades we’ve made to iPoint. These features are all current as of Version…


Items Module » Item Details » Engineering

Items: Engineering The engineering tab is a precursor to the new Design and Engineering (D&E) module currently under development. Here you can enter technical specifications about the item. These specifications will help your engineering staff understand how much…

How do iPoint transactions impact Quickbooks financials?

Accounting Module » Accounting FAQ » QB FAQs » How do iPoint transactions impact Quickbooks financials?

For the most part, every transaction you sync from iPoint to QuickBooks deals with either inventory or accounts receivable. Obviously, if you are taking payments from customers, you can also directly affect the cash accounts. Transactional entries are typically…

Mobile: Add & Request Parts

Mobile Access » FileMaker Go Mobile Access » Mobile: Work Orders » Mobile: Add & Request Parts

Invariably, there will be a part missing in your work order, some part that you need to finish the customer’s job. No worries! You can add parts that you pull out of your van so we can track the inventory and charge the customer correctly. Or maybe, you…

Technicians are not showing up in dropdown lists

Work Orders Module » Work Orders FAQ » Technicians are not showing up in dropdown lists

Calendar Group for Tech Selection When trying to assign a technician on a work order, no names are populating in the drop-down option or the wrong names are populating. This drop-down field is populated by the calendar group selected in Options on the work order.…

2022 Q4

Welcome » Change-Log » 2022 Q4

Merry Christmas!!! We’ve been hard at work getting all of our inventory ducks in a row to make sure that you have the tools you need to start 2023 on the right foot. Here are the major changes we’ve made in addition to various bug fixes. Changes Made…

What happens when I sync stuff to Quickbooks?

Accounting Module » Accounting FAQ » QB FAQs » What happens when I sync stuff to Quickbooks?

The iPoint software is, among other things, a project management tool, and as such, there is limited financial reporting that takes place in the program. The majority of the reports run in iPoint deal with Project Accounting, telling you about the financial health of…

Stock Options Window

Inventory Module » Stock Options Window

Stock Options window Anytime you need to manipulate inventory, the Stock Options window will pop up. You’ll find this window in: Sales Order Product Manager Project Parts Work Order Parts Invoice Parts Delivery Purchase Request Manager Inventory…

New QuickBooks or Switching from QBO to QBD (or vice versa)

Settings Module » QuickBooks » Registration » New QuickBooks or Switching from QBO to QBD (or vice versa)

From time to time, you might find it necessary to connect iPoint to a different set of QuickBooks. For example: You have been using QuickBooks Online and have decided that the QuickBooks Desktop product might be a better fit for the way you do…

Recurring Invoices

Accounting Module » Recurring Invoices

Recurring invoices enable you to send an invoice to your customer on a prescribed schedule. You would typically use this for things like monthly security monitoring or quarterly service contract billing. To activate recurring invoices, go to Settings > Module Settings…

Purchase Request Manager

Inventory Module » Purchase Request Manager

Inventory Dashboard: PRM The Inventory Dashboard: Purchase Request Manager displays a list of parts that have been requested from various locations in iPoint. The requests could come from Sales Orders, Projects, Work Orders, or Invoices. You’ll see the:…

Import Tool

Items Module » Options » Import Tool

You have just signed up with a new vendor who has a new product line you need to pull into iPoint. Or maybe the new product year reveals a batch of new items you want to import. With the Import Tool, you can quickly pull in data directly into iPoint in a batch, rather…

Transfer Request

Inventory Module » Transfer Request

Inventory Dashboard: Transfer Request The Transfer Request dashboard shows a list of all the transfer requests that have been made in the system. In the list, you see: Created – the date you entered the transfer request Created By – the name of the…

Items Module

Items Module

Items List The Items module is where you will maintain the parts and services you sell to your customers. The Items module is probably the single most important module for data as it houses information for accounting, sales, ordering, engineering, and inventory…

2019 Q2

Welcome » Change-Log » 2019 Q2

This page represents the features and updates made to iPoint since our last release. While this list isn’t comprehensive, it does list the majority of the changes and upgrades we’ve made to iPoint. Key New Feature Updated Feature Bug Squashed …

Navigation Elements

Dashboard » Navigation Elements

This manual is designed to explain all the buttons, links, and fields available in iPoint. As you use the software, you’ll find elements that are used in multiple modules and windows. In the software world, we call this consistency. Since we don’t…

Chart of Accounts

Settings Module » QuickBooks » Chart of Accounts

QuickBooks Chart of Accounts settings The Chart of Accounts tab is where you tell iPoint how to push transactions utilizing your QuickBooks financial accounts. This process is typically completed during the initial setup of iPoint. But sometimes, you will make…

Product Manager

Sales Orders Module » Product » Product Manager

Product Manager The Product Manager is where all of the items sold on a sales order are requested for purchase, placed on purchase orders, allocated, or delivered. Many of these functions are processed throughout the iPoint software. But this is where all item…

How do I Edit my Contract/Custom Template

Proposals Module » Proposals FAQ » How do I Edit my Contract/Custom Template

How do I edit my contract? There are a few ways to edit your proposal contract. Is this for a current proposal or just future proposals? Do you want one contract or multiple? In order to not get lost in the options, follow this handy guide! How Do I Edit My Contract…


Items Module » Options

The Options button gives you the ability to search your list of parts for specific items using search criteria. Click here for a description of all the options available. The Options button will be orange if search criteria are applied. If the button is tan colored,…

Receiving a PO with Item Receipts

Purchase Orders Module » PO Details Items List » Receiving a PO with Item Receipts

Yay!! It’s delivery day! The UPS man has delivered your goodies, and it’s time to start checking in those orders. First, check the packing slip – oftentimes, you will see your PO printed right on it and a list of what was delivered. Now it is…

Tips & Tricks

Welcome » Support & Training » Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks Learn all the tips, tricks, and general shout-outs in this section! . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Estimate, Project, or Proposal? Which one should I create for my new job? Different jobs require different levels of complexity, and not all jobs need to…

How do you remove an item that has been delivered on a Standard Invoice?

Accounting Module » Accounting FAQ » Miscellaneous Accounting FAQs » How do you remove an item that has been delivered on a Standard Invoice?

Follow these steps: Open the invoice and find the delivered item you want to delete. Click the Delivered box that shows the quantity delivered. This opens a Transaction window. Click on the Delivered line that shows the quantity Select an inventory location to…

Using a Credit Memo to Balance Delivery Invoices

Settings Module » Module Settings » Proposals settings » Accounting » Deferred Revenue Settings » Using a Credit Memo to Balance Delivery Invoices

In a world where your clients pay timely, this options would never be needed. You would always have more money from your clients than the goods and services you’ve delivered to them. In this scenario, when you create the delivery invoice, there are funds to pay…

Sales Order Designer

Sales Orders Module » Sales Order Designer

Sales Order Designer button The Designer button in the top right corner of the Sales Order opens the list of parts and labor sold to your customer. This is the same list created on the Proposal with one significant difference. The parts are locked and can’t be…

Proposal Status

Settings Module » Pop Up Lists » Proposal Status

Pop Up List: Proposal Status Proposals have a status field that helps users understand what part of the sales process the job is in. These status are customizable and help when sorting and filtering proposals and generating notifications to team members. The proposal…

Grid View

Items Module » Options » Grid View

Item Grid View The Item Grid View is an alternative view of the items in your item database. This is typically used to make bulk edits to your item list. The search criteria on the standard Item Options tab will apply to the list you see here in the grid view. Sort…

Mobile: Parts

Mobile Access » FileMaker Go Mobile Access » Mobile: Work Orders » Mobile: Parts

Mobile Work Order Parts List The parts list provides a list of all the parts scheduled to be delivered and installed on this work order. At the end of this page we’ll also look at: Parts Details Delivering Parts Item List Each item has the following…

How can I partially deliver bulk labor?

Sales Orders Module » Sales Order FAQ » How can I partially deliver bulk labor?

Do you typically add labor in bulk (hours) to your proposals to keep things simple? Have you been struggling with delivery invoices? We’ve come to recognzie that some of our community members don’t want to add labor to each item in their database; yet,…