The CRM settings tab is how you customize the CRM module for your company and is broken into four distinct sections.
Contact Methods
These are the contact fields for your customers. You have eight fields you can customize by choosing a dropdown item for each contact method.
The methods listed here are hardcoded to match the contact fields in QuickBooks and as such are not adjustable. That being said, you can organize these fields to capture the specific customer contact methods your company needs, including:
Phone Format allows you to set how phone numbers appear for your company. With formatting in place, users can enter phone numbers without punctuation and iPoint will extrapolate the appropriate format.
- (XXX) XXX-XXXX will cause text entered as 23912345678 to print and display as (239) 123-4567 ×8
- (XXX) XXXX-XXXX will cause text entered as 23912345678 to print and display as (239) 1234-5678
If you work in an area with only one area code, you can enter it in the Phone Area Code field.
- If you set the area code to be “239” here in settings, then entering a customer’s phone number of 1234567 would return results of 239 123-4567
- However, entering 5031234567 on the customer record would return a result of (503) 123-4567
Enable Fast Default sort The customer sort function in the CRM module is complex due to the number of options available. As a result, sorting a list can take some time. Check this option to use a separate, simplified sort to return a customer list more quickly. This option only works when sorted the customer list by name. Any other sort functions use the standard, multi-sort options.
Enable iPhone CRM Views: click here to see how the mobile views work.
Constrain Contacts List to first 100
Mobile Only – This beta feature loads only the first 100 contacts when you first open the CRM list view. Then, after you perform a filter or sort, we’ll display a full list based on your options. This is designed to speed up the loading of the CRM when you first open it. Optionally, you can apply this setting only to mobile devices by checking the Mobile Only checkbox. Again, this is designed to help speed up access to the CRM list.
Enable Adding Tags from Customer Interface – You can apply tags to customers in the CRM module. These tags are set up in Settings > Pop Up Lists > Tags. Placing a checkmark in this box enables users to create new tags directly in the CRM module without having to be a system administrator.
Display the ‘Site’ Address – When you put a check in this box, the CRM customer or contact list will display the Jobsite address instead of the Primary address.
Enable Deal Views – Check this box to activate the Deals portion of CRM to start using the iPoint Pipeline.
- When this option is checked the CRM Deal Label appears. This is where you can customize what Deals are called in your system.
Default Values
Each customer can have a small thumbnail picture displayed above their name on the Customer Detail window.
Here on the Default Vaults tab, you can set default images to be displayed for each customer if a customer-specific image is not loaded.
There are two default images available, one for Customers marked Person and one for customers marked Company on the Customer Detail window.
To load a default image, right-click in the image field and choose Insert Picture…. This will open a dialogue window where you can choose an image from your computer directory.
Custom Fields
There may be information you need to track for your customers that iPoint doesn’t have set up. Custom Fields allows you to create those fields and make them available on every customer record.
A custom field is comprised of three elements:
- Sort Field – click the black box in front of a Field Name to enter the order in which items will be displayed. The order of fields is determined by a numerical sort with the smallest numbered fields appearing before larger numbered fields.
- Field Name – what are you tracking? Give the field a name, which is displayed on the customer details screen as well as useable for customer list filtering.
- Field Type – defines what information is required.
- The black X button deletes the specified field.
- The “hamburger” icon (
) opens a window where you can create a list of values that will be presented to the user as a dropdown list to select from.
- Checking the
Use Popup List option causes a popup list to be displayed instead of a dropdown. This prevents the user from typing their own values into the field.
- Checking the
The field types are mostly self-explanatory, but here is a definition of each field type:
- Text – allows the free typing of text
- Date – requires a valid date in the range of years 1 to 4000 and should look like “2/25/2013”
- Number – requires a numeric value be entered
- Time – the value should be entered as hours, hours and minutes, or hours minutes and seconds and should look like “11:09:03 PM”
- Time-Stamp – the value must be a valid timestamp in the range of years 1 to 4000, include valid time, and should look like “12/25/2013 11:099:03 PM”
- Container – allows for the storage of documents or files. To insert a file, right-click in the field and select “Insert Picture…” or “Insert File…”
To create a new field, click the blue New Custom Field button.
The Copy Fields from CDL button will pull in the fields associated with a specific Custom List, which is defined below.
Custom Lists
A Custom List is similar to the custom lists described above, except it is designed to track lists of information. This information is tracked under the Custom Lists header on the Customer Details screen for each customer or contact.
For example, you might want to track the Extended Warranty your customer’s purchase, including the type of warranty, the length of the warranty, and the end date of the warranty period.
In the Custom List Name box on the left of the screen, clicking the blue Select button will display the associated fields on the right portion of the screen. While the blue Delete button will remove the data list along with all associated data from every customer/contact in iPoint.
To create a new Custom List:
- Start typing a list name in the last, empty List Name field. When you tab out of the field, the Delete and Select buttons will be displayed.
- Now click the Select button.
- Select a Field Type from the dropdown menu
- Enter a Description / Question which will prompt users for the information needed
- Enter the Data List – these are the options available when using the _ Pop-Up_ or Drop Down field types.
- Enter a numeric sort sequence. iPoint lists the fields on the Custom List in numerical order, with smaller numbered fields displayed prior to larger numbered fields.
- Repeat steps 3 – 6 until all the required fields are available on your list.
- The blue X button will delete the associated field from the list. Keep in mind, deleting a field type will also delete any stored values from customer records in iPoint using that field.
Editing a Custom List is as simple as selecting it from the Custom List Name window and then clicking in the appropriate field to make adjustments.
Here is a description of each field type available.
- Header – used to define sections of fields on the custom list
- Text – places an empty field where any characters can be entered
- Drop Down – creates a drop-down list for the user to make a selection. This field-type requires a data list to be entered. Type each drop-down list item on a separate line in the Data List settings field and the user will be able to select one of those options. If an option is not available, the user can also manually type in an option.
- Pop Up – creates a pop-up list for the user to make a selection. This field-type requires a data list to be entered. Type each pop-up list item on a separate line in the Data List settings field and the user will be able to select one of those options. Unlike drop-down lists, users cannot enter additional options on the fly. They will be required to choose one of the pre-defined items.
- Date – requires a date to be entered. A calendar button is part of the data entry to help the user select the date.
- URL – when the user types in a value of http://website.address or, the web button will open the address in the device’s default web browser.