Morning CoffeeMorning Coffee

Morning Coffee is a configurable reporting engine that enables the delivery of ad-hoc email reports to specific users on a specific schedule.

How to get started

Name the Report

  1. Click the New Morning Coffee Report button
  2. In the edit screen on the right, adjust the Report Name

Report Content

  1. Click the in the Report Information (Elements/Content) section to open the list of available report elements. If the pop-over window is blank, click the Update Morning Coffee Definitions button.
  2. You can use the wildcard search at the top to filter down the number of reports displayed.
  3. Select the report you want to use by clicking the . The icon will change to a green “dash icon”. You can include as many report elements as you like on a single Report. Note: A detailed description of each report is listed at the bottom of these instructions.
  4. Click the Close button to close the pop-over window and add the element to your report.

Schedule the Report

  1. Click the in the Delivery Schedule section to select the time frame and delivery schedule for the report.
  2. Select either Daily, Weekly or Monthly to determine the date the report will run. Each schedule has its own set of options. This also sets the date range for the data, from the previous period and time to the defined date and time. So if you choose Weekly the Morning Coffee Report will show information from the last week. Where if you choose Daily, the report will show information from the past 24 hours.
  3. Select a Run At time to determine what time when the report will be sent on the date selected in step 2.
  4. Click the “close icon” in the top right corner to save the schedule.

Choose Recipients

  1. Click the in the Recipients section
  2. The names in the pop-over list come from active iPoint users maintained in Settings > Users
  3. Click the next to everyone who should receive this report.
  4. Close the window when you are finished adding recipients.

Finalize the Report

  • Display Report: will execute the report and show it in a new window.
  • Send Report: causes the report to be delivered to the recipients.
  • Display and Send Report: this will cause the report to be displayed and emailed to the recipients.

Morning Coffee Sample ReportMorning Coffee (Sample Report)

Editing A Morning Coffee Report

  1. Select the report under “List of Morning Coffee Reports”
  2. Click the + buttons under the headings described above to modify the information, schedule, and recipients.

Additional Options

  • New Morning Coffee Report – Creates a new, blank report ready for you to set parameters.
  • Duplicate… – Duplicates the currently selected Morning Coffee report.
  • Delete… – Deletes the currently selected Morning Coffee report.

Report Details

Details displayed on the Morning Coffee report are defined by the frequency the report is generated.
If the report is scheduled weekly the number of customers added, for example, will be those added in the past week.
If the report is scheduled monthly, the dollar amount of new invoices will be calculated based on transactions in the past month.

Here is a detailed description of each report available for inclusion in Morning Coffee. They are divided into report topics.


  • Time VS Task Productivity*: Shows each user and the amount of time they logged on a work order as well as the estimated time to complete those tasks.


  • Count Of Customers Added: Displays the number of Customers/Contacts added to the system in the specified time period.
  • List Of Customers Added: Shows a list of the customers added to iPoint in the specified time period with customer name, what user added the customer, and who is the assigned sales rep.
  • Customers needing QB Sync Today: The number of customers that are not synced with QuickBooks. Includes those that have had syncing errors.


  • Count Active Proposals by Status: This shows the number of active proposals broken down by proposal status.
  • Value Active Proposals by Status: This list provides the cash value of all active proposals, separated by proposal status.

New Proposals

  • Count of Proposals Created: Displays the number of Proposals created in the specified time period. This does not include Proposals that have been converted to Sales Orders.
  • List Of Proposals Created: Provides a list of Proposals created in the specified time period. This does not include Proposals that have been converted to Sales Orders. Includes the Proposal’s name and the Sales Rep.
  • List Of Proposals Created with Value: Shows the value of new proposals entered since the last time this report was run.

Lost Proposals

  • Count Of Proposals Lost: Displays the number of proposals that were not accepted by the customer in the specified time period. This is determined by the Proposal Status set as Customer Rejected in Settings > Pop Up Lists > Proposal Status.
  • List Of Proposals Lost: Prints a list of proposals that have been marked lost, displaying customer name, the reason lost (set up in Settings > Pop Up Lists > Proposal Lost Reasons) and the memo entered at the time of marking the proposal lost.

Sales Orders

  • Count of Sales Orders Created: Displays the number of Proposals that were converted to Sales Orders in the specified time period.
  • Count Of Active Sales Orders: Each sales order status is displayed along with the number of active sales orders in that status.
  • Active Sales Orders By Type with Value and Average: The sales order types are displayed along with a count of active sales orders. Then, the total value (adding all the sales order totals together) and the average value (the total value divided by the count) of sales orders in each type.
  • List of Sales Orders Created: The list of change orders includes the customer, sales order name, change order number, the description of the change order, and who created the change order in the specified time period.
  • Amount of New SO: Displays the total dollar amount of the new sales orders created in the specified time period along with the accepted change order amount.

Change Orders

  • Count of Change Orders Created: Displays the number of change orders created in the specified time period.
  • List of Change Orders Created: The list of change orders includes the customer, sales order name, change order number, the description of the change order, and who created the change order.
  • List of Change Orders Committed: Provides a list of change orders that have been approved or committed in the specified time period. This report includes the customer and sales order name, the change order number, the description of the change order as entered on the C/O details, what user-approved/committed the change order, and the total dollar amount of the change order.
  • List of Change Orders Not Committed: If a change order has not been marked committed, it will be displayed here, along with the change order number, a description of the change order, and the change orders value.
  • Amount of Committed CO: Displays the total dollar amount of all committed/approved change orders in the specified time period.


  • $ of New Invoices: Displays the dollar amount of all invoices created in the specified time period (including standard and RFP invoices).
  • Total Invoiced YTD: Total value of Invoices created this year to date…includes archived Invoices.
  • RFP Invoices ($): Displays the dollar amount of RFP (Request for Payment) invoices created in the specified time period.
  • Delivery Invoices ($): Displays the dollar amount of Delivery invoices created in the specified time period. These are the invoices reflecting the delivered product and time in the RFP billing process.
  • Standard Invoices ($): Displays the total of standard invoices created in the specified time period. Standard invoices are created from projects, work orders, and stand-alone Point of Sale invoices.
  • Invoice Aging (30,60,90): Prints totals for invoices with a balance due. The invoice number, the invoice total balance, and the invoice balance due are displayed for invoices 0-29 days old (Current), 30 to 59 days old( 30 Days), 60 to 89 days old (60 Days), and 90 days and older ( 90 Days). Note that a time period with no balance due is omitted from the report.
  • Invoices Age Current (Invoice Total): Displays the total balance due of all invoices that are less than 30 days old.
  • Invoices Age 30 (Invoice Total): Displays the invoice total of all Invoices with a balance due that is between 30 and 59 days old.
  • Invoices Age 60 (Invoice Total): Displays the invoice total of all Invoices with a balance due that is between 60 and 89 days old.
  • Invoices Age 90 (Invoice Total): Displays the invoice total of all Invoices with a balance due that are 90 days old or older
  • Invoices Age Current (Balance Due Total): See the dollar amount due on current invoices (the total of all current invoices minus any payments made against those invoices).
  • Invoices Total Balance Due: Prints the total amount of all open customer invoice balances. This is a cumulative total, not just those invoices created since the last report was generated.
  • Invoices Age Current (Balance Due Total): Displays the balance due total of Invoices with a balance due that is 0 to 29 days old
  • Invoices Age 30 (Balance Due Total): Displays the balance due total of Invoices with a balance due that is between 30 and 59 days old
  • Invoices Age 60 (Balance Due Total): Displays the balance due total of Invoices with a balance due that is between 60 and 89 days old
  • Invoices Age 90 (Balance Due Total): Displays the balance due total of Invoices with a balance due that is 90 days old and older
  • Invoices needing Sync with QB: Any invoice that has not been synchronized to QuickBooks or has had a change since it was last pushed to QuickBooks will be included in this count.

Delivery Invoice Total Due

  • Deliver Invoice Total Due: Shows the total of all delivery invoices that have not been clear by RFP payments.

RFP Invoice Total Due

  • RFP Invoice Total Due: This is the outstanding balance of all Requests for Payment

Purchase Orders

  • List Of ALL Purchase Orders Created NOT Submitted: Provides a list of any purchase order that has not been marked submitted. This list includes the PO number, the vendor name, and the status of the purchase order.
  • Count Of ALL Purchase Orders Created NOT Submitted: Displays the count of any purchase order that has not been marked as submitted.
  • Count Of NEW Purchase Orders Created NOT Submitted: Shows the count of new purchase orders entered in the specified time period that has not been marked as submitted.
  • List Of NEW Purchase Orders Created NOT Submitted: Prints a list of the purchase orders created in the specified time period. The list includes the PO number, the vendor, and the status of the purchase order.
  • Count Of Purchase Orders Submitted: Displays the number of purchase orders that were marked submitted in the specified time period.
  • List Of Purchase Orders Submitted: Shows a list of purchase orders that have been marked submitted in the specified time period and includes the PO number, the vendor, the status of the purchase order, and the total value of the PO.
  • Count Of Purchase Orders Received in Full: Shows the number of purchase orders that have been marked Received in Full in the specified time period.
  • List Of Purchase Orders Received in Full: Displays a list of the purchase orders marked Received in Full in the specified time period.
  • Items Received: This shows a list of items that have been received on a purchase order in the specified time period. This report shows the item name, the quantity requested and received, the job the parts were ordered for, and the PO number.
  • Product Receipt with Sales Rep: Shows a list of items that have been received on a purchase order in the specified time period. This report shows the item name, quantity requested and quantity received, and the purchase order number as well as the job and sales representative names. The user who received the items is also displayed.
  • Items Received w/ Back Order Date: Shows a list of items that have been received on a purchase order in the specified time period. This report shows the item name, the quantity requested and received, the job the parts were ordered for, the PO number, and a backorder date if any.
  • Items Back Ordered: Shows a list of items that have been back-ordered on a purchase order in the specified time period. This report shows the item name, the quantity requested and received, the job the parts were ordered for, the PO number, a backorder date, and the back order expiration date.


  • Payments Received: Provides a list of payments created in the system in the specified time period. The list includes the payment reference number, the date the payment is received, the customer, the payment amount, the payment method (type), how much of the payment is available, and any memo recorded with the payment.


  • Projects Created: Provides a count of the new projects that have been created in the specified time period.
  • Tasks Added to Projects: Shows the number of tasks that have been added to all projects in the specified time period.
  • Work Orders Scheduled in the period: Displays a list of work orders that were scheduled in the specified time period. The report includes the date scheduled, the work order status and name, and whether or not the work order is billable and had parts added. This report prints all work orders regardless of project affiliation.
  • Project Expenses: As expenses are added to a project, they will be displayed, along with the Project Name, the Date added, the location purchased, the user who created the expense, a description of the expense, and the amount expensed. And finally, if the expense is reimbursable to the user.

Work Orders

  • Work Orders Created: Displays a count of all new work orders created in the last time period.
  • Work Orders Created by Type: Displays each work order type along with the number of work orders created since the report was previously generated.
  • Work Orders Scheduled by Type: Shows the number of work orders that are marked scheduled based on each work order type.
  • Work Orders Scheduled: Shows a count of work orders that were scheduled in the last time period.
  • Work Orders Completed: Prints a count of work orders that were marked completed in the last time period. A completed work order is one that has a status of “Complete” as defined in Settings > Pop Up Lists > Work Order Status.
  • Work Orders Not Completed: Displays a count of work orders from the previous period that were not marked complete.
  • Needs Billed: Shows a count of work orders from the previous period that is marked Billable.
  • Parts Added: Shows a list of parts added to work orders since the last time the report was generated. The list includes the date the part was added, the name of the job, the item name and quantity added, as well as the delivery status.

All Work Orders That Need Billed

  • All Work Orders Needs Billed: Provides a count of all work orders that have the “Billable” checkbox ticked and are not marked as ‘Billing Complete’


  • Work Order Time – Time Clock Time – Per Tech: Compares the Time Clock time for each user as compared to the time they logged on work orders.
  • Work Order Time (billable only) and Time Clock Time – Per Tech: Shows a list of time broken down by User and includes Time Clock time (amount of hours checked in on the iPoint dashboard) and the Work Order Time (the total of all work order check-in and check-out) during the past time period.
  • Work Order Time: This shows a summary of the time a technician has assigned to a work order. Work Order Name, Tech, and Total Time clocked for a Work Order in the specified time period.
  • Work Order Time by Type: A list of all work order types and the amount of time logged for the specific period.
  • Work Order Time by Tech and Labor Phase: Shows each labor phase and the time and number of techs who logged time in that phase.
  • Work Order Time by Labor Phase: A list of each labor phase and the total time that was logged in the time period defined by the report recurrence.
  • Work Order Time Detail: Shows the list of time entries for the specified time period. The list includes the Work Order, the tech, the total time, the time in, the time out, the labor phase, and any memo.
  • Work Order Time Detail II: The same report as Work Order Time Detail, but with the added Non-billable flag.
  • Work Order Time Detail – Cal Group 1: A report displaying all users in the first calendar group. This shows the work order, tech, time, memo, and billable status.

Tech Utilization Rate

  • WO Time / Time Clock: Displays the percentage of hours worked that are listed on a Sales Order since the report was last generated. This takes the total hours of all employees as entered on all work orders divided by the total hours of all employees as entered on the time clock.
  • Persistent Time / Job Time: Displays a calculation of the number of work order hours on persistent work orders divided by the total of all work order hours.


  • RMA Created: Displays the count of new Return Materials Authorizations created in the specified time period.


  • Inventory Items Created: A list of all new inventory items that were created since the last report. Displays the item number, the vendor, who created the item, and the date and time it was created.


  • Pipeline – All Deals Value: Presents the value of each Customer Job Sales Status (set up in Settings > Pop Up Lists > Customer Job Sales Status) set on the customer record. iPoint summarizes the value of customers’ open (not archived) proposals for each customer job sales status created in the past time period.
  • Pipeline – All Deals Count: Presents the total number of proposals created in the past period broken down by customer lead status type.


System administrators can define a number of goals each salesperson is to achieve in Settings > Users > Goals.

  • Sales Orders created towards Goal (value): Lists each user’s sales order value goal compared to the actual value of sales orders. There is also a progress percentage of the goal.
  • Proposals created toward Goal (value): Shows each user’s proposal value goal along with the value of entered proposals and the progress toward meeting the goal.
  • Sales Orders created toward Goal (count): Displays the number of sales orders in each user’s goal along with the actual court of sales orders created.
  • Proposals created towards Goal (count): This displays the number of proposals each user is supposed to create along with the actual number they created.


  • Payments Received: Lists every payment received since the last report cycle.
iPoint Version: 10.0521
Last modified: 26 Feb 2025

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