iPoint tracks time in two methods: Time Clock, used for tracking payroll hours, and Job Time, used for tracking time worked on Proposals, Sales Orders, and Work Orders. To read about entering Job Time, visit Work Orders > Details or Proposals.
Setup & Use
Typically, the Time Clock is used for hourly employees and is activated on a user by user basis in Settings > Users > General by marking the Use hourly timeclock option.
Once this option is activated, the user will see a green Clock In button in the lower right corner of the dashboard. The button also displays the amount of time that has been logged in the current time period.
Pressing the button will present a pop-up window detailing the date and time the user clocked in on the Time Clock. It also turns the button blue to indicate that time is being tracked.
The blue Clock Out button also shows the time tracked. Pressing this button will stop the time from being logged, and again the user will be presented with a confirmation window showing the clock-out date and time.
All time entries are stored in the Time Clock module, which is on the dashboard as illustrated to the right.
Time Entries
- Standard Users will be able to view their time entries. Other users’ times will not be visible.
- Users with Admin access will see all active users set up to Use hourly time clock. This setting is defined in Settings > Users > General.
User views are defined in Settings > Permission Sets.
The list shows
- Name – of the employee/user
- Hours This Week – how many hours have been logged for the current week
- Last Clock In – shows the last date and time when the user clocked in on the dashboard
- Clock In/Clock Out button – Administrators can clock other users in and out from this view.
Clicking on an individual’s time opens the Employee Time Record described below.
The View My Time button displays the list of each of your historical time entries.
And as you can imagine, the Show All button will display all employees in the Time Entries list. In addition, when clicking the Show All button, you will be prompted to see inactive users so you can view historical time records.
Pro Tip: Entries that do not have seconds are likely manual entries. In contrast, entries with seconds are probably entered by pressing one of the system’s Clock In/Out buttons.
Employee Time Record
For more information on an employee’s time records, click the employee you would like more information on, and it will open a window with detailed information for that employee. With the proper Permissions, you can edit an employee’s time entries by selecting and changing the values.
- The >> arrows next to the name at the top will allow you to scroll through each employee.
The pencil icon opens a Time Record Log where you can get details about who created the time entry and when it was created.
- The red “X” can be used to delete a Time record.
- To create a new entry, click the New Record and enter time entries manually.
Employees can also label their time type by using the Type drop-down menu. These types can be customized in Settings > Pop-Up Lists > Time Clock Type.
This screen will also allow you to see the location of each Clock in and Clock Out. The GPS In field next to the hours worked shows the GPS coordinates when the employee clocked in. And the GPS Out field contains the GPS location when they clocked out. You can also use the map buttons to show you a map and the location’s address (if available).
In some cases, there may not be a GPS location. This can be due to a couple of reasons.
- The iOS device did not have a cellular connection, which is used to track the location.
- GPS tracking is turned off on the device.
- The time was entered manually, in which case iPoint does not capture GPS coordinates.
- The time was entered on a computer, which does not track GPS location.
Note: Users will see the past 90 days’ worth of time entries when they view their time clock records. Administrators will see the entire time entry history.