Have a large single inventory location? Want multiple people to help get it counted?
We’ve got a plan for you! This process should help to expedite the typically painful, long process of counting inventory.
Scanning to Count or Using +1 on Item List
How to:
- Each user should be counting a different part of the warehouse – there cannot be any overlap
- Each user either scans each item or will utilize the plus one in the item list to add the items they are counting
Once complete, the person committing will zero out all uncounted and commit the physical inventory.
DONE! Super easy, right?
Only want to add the specific quantity in the item list?
No worries, that can work!
A couple of things will need to be true:
- Any items in your warehouse should live in a single location (meaning, you cannot have Apple TVs in 5 different places in the warehouse)
- A user should be counting a specific area and items (these should not be repeated under any circumstance)
How to:
- Each user adds the total of an item to the item list
Once complete, the person committing will zero out all uncounted and commit the physical inventory.
What if you accidentally started multiple user counts in the same location?
Don’t panic! We may be able to salvage those counts! There are a few caveats that you should be aware of, but we have a a way for you to have multiple counts going on for a single location.
How to:
- Each user counts their specific location and specific items – there cannot be overlap
Once all users are finished a single user will manage committing them. This is extremely important. When you are ready to commit the first count, you will zero out all uncounted. When commit any subsequent counts you will not zero out the uncounted.