The Google integration allows you to send iPoint calendar information directly to your Google calendar. This is ideal for folks who rely on GSuite applications to run their business.

Google Integration Screen
  1. Click Step 1. : Sign In With Google
  2. A Google window will appear where you will authorize iPoint to communicate with Google. You will probably need to log in to your Google account that you are syncing your calendar.
  3. Click the Allow button.
  4. Once the Google account is linked you will see the iPoint web page displayed in the center of the window.
  5. Click Step 2. : Initialize Authorization
  6. Once Google authorizes iPoint to communicate with their server, you will see “You Are Authorized” across the top of the screen
  7. Click Step 3. : Setup User Calendars – this button takes you to Settings > Users > Google Calendar where you are able to configure each user’s individual Google Calendar.

Having Trouble button
iPoint uses a built-in web viewer to authenticate with Google. Some community members have found this web viewer doesn’t work in their network environment. If that is the case, click the Having Trouble button to use your default web browser to authenticate Point with Google. – New in 10.0430

Re-Push Future Events button
On the rare occasion that Work Orders and Events are not appearing on your Google calendar, you can try to resync future events by pushing the Re-Push Future Events button.
This should only be done once you’ve set up Google and have previously had events pushed. This will re-push events that are today or in the future to update them with any changes. This is a backup button, as the software should take care of this process automatically.

Integration Disclaimer: Google is a third-party application that is completely unrelated to iPoint, LLC and we have no control over their code. Google may choose to modify its API code, which is outside iPoint’s control. We make every effort to maintain accurate connections to external, third-party applications. But in the event you have a problem, please let us know so we can work with Google to rectify the situation.

Google Calendar IntegrationGoogle Calendar Integration

Configure Google Calendar

Now that iPoint is connected to your Master Google Calendar, you’ll want to share that calendar with the various individuals who need to see those iPoint events. This process is done directly in Google, and you’ll follow these steps.

  1. Open the Master Google Calendar
  2. Under the My Calendars section on the master calendar find the newly created calendar. In our illustration, we are looking at the calendar called iP Chris.
  3. When you hover over the calendar, you’ll see three dots appear. Click the dots and select Settings and sharing from the popover window
  4. Scroll down the calendar settings to find Share with specific people
  5. Click the + Add People button
  6. Enter the email or name of the individual who wants to see this calendar information. You can enter as many individuals as you like. So in our case, we want Chris as well as his supervisor to see Chris’s iPoint calendar events. So we’ll enter both email addresses.
  7. Change the Permissions to See all event details
  8. Then click Send – to send an email to the people you added to the calendar.
  9. Note: If you are having issues seeing the calendar events, you may need to change the Access permissions on the Google calendar. Choose either Make available to public or Make available for your organization to grant access additional access.

Once the user clicks on the link in the Google email they received, they’ll be redirected to their Google Calendar where they will see the newly shared calendar. In our case, Chris and his supervisor will see the iP Chris calendar as an option on their existing Google calendar. By placing a checkmark in the box in front of the new calendar, those events will be displayed on his Google calendar. Clearing the checkmark simply removes the events from Chris’s calendar, it does not remove the shared calendar.

NOTE: When Events are pushed to the Google Calendar from iPoint, they will post based on the time zone the Server that is hosting iPoint has listed within its System Settings.
Example: If an event was scheduled for 1:00 PM and the server is set to use Eastern Time Zone but the Google Calendar is set to view times based on Central Time Zone, the event will appear as 12:00 PM within the Google Calendar.

Sync with Outlook

iPoint only synchronizes calendar information to Google Calendars. However, Outlook or any other calendar that supports the iCal calendar format can pull calendar details from the Google calendar.

  1. In the Google Calendar, click the three dots next to the iPoint calendar you want to import into Outlook.
  2. Choose Settings and sharing from the pop-over window
  3. Scroll to the Access permissions section and make sure the Make available to public is checked
  4. Scroll further down the page to find the Public address in iCal format link
  5. Copy the iCal address
  6. Open Outlook or your other iCal compatible calendar and past the copied iCal URL into a new calendar
  7. Now any work orders or events entered on the iPoint calendar will sync to Google calendar and then show up on your Outlook calendar

To assist you in the Google Calendar integration, we present this video:

iPoint Version: 10.043
Last modified: 8 Jan 2025

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