User LoginUser Login Information

The Login tab is where you create or edit an individual user’s information.


  1. Enter the user’s First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name. These will be used to identify the user throughout the iPoint software for tracking, reporting, and general usage.
  2. Enter the user’s Email address. This is used for communication purposes between iPoint and the user.
  3. Once your user’s details have been entered, click the Email User Install & Login Instructions button to send login details to this user. Directly below the button is a date & time stamp indicating when the install email was last sent. This email provides instructions on how to install FileMaker, sync to your iPoint server, and get logged in with their user name and password.


The User Key is required if this user is going to be accessing iPoint. Leaving the user key blank creates a person that can be tracked in the software, but cannot access the software. A user without a User Key might be useful if you have a sub-contractor or temporary employee that will not be using iPoint directly, but you want to have a supervisor or administrator track the work they have completed within the software.

To assign a user key:

  1. Click the Available Keys button to reveal a pop-up of available keys.
    1. If there are not user keys available, you will see a Purchase New User Key button. User Keys are a one-time purchase of $299 each plus a $45 monthly fee, which includes all perpetual licensing, all new features and upgrades, plus ongoing live technical support and training.
    2. If you are looking at an Active user, you will see a Release User Key button. This will remove the user key from the individual user and put it back into your list of available keys you can use for another employee at a later time.
  2. Click the Assign button next to any available user key to assign it to the displayed user.
  3. You will be prompted to input user credentials in the next section.

Note: It is not recommended to delete a user or reuse their information for another user. This is because it is best practice to maintain historical employees so that the work they completed is maintained for history. So, when a user leaves your company, click the Release User Key button – this makes the user key available for a future employee

Set User CredentialsSet user Credentials


The first time you a user is assigned a user key, you will be prompted to enter new user credentials. Enter the User Name, Password, and Password Confirmation in the pop-up window.

To change an existing user name or password, click the Update User Credentials button. A popup window will open where you can enter a new user name and password.

Note: User name and passwords should be alpha-numeric. Please do not use special characters or symbols.


The Permission Set drop-down menu defines what kind of access the user has to the software. Permission sets are defined in Permission Sets.

Deactivate User

Deactivate User button

If a user leaves the company or no longer needs access to iPoint, click the De-activate User button. This process releases the user key, making it available for another user. It also clears the user’s credentials and clears the active checkbox on the master user list. Users are not deleted because we need to maintain their work history.

iPoint Version: 10.0521
Last modified: 24 May 2021

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