
Welcome to the Community!

Our staff truly looks forward to helping you transform your company! As you probably know already, iPoint values the importance of following a process and sticking with a system to optimize workflow. This guide is designed to help you through the Onboarding process with those principles in mind.

How long does it take?

You can be up and running with iPoint in just two weeks. To help you achieve that goal, we’ve created the following timeline describing what you need to do every day.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to go it alone! We have several tools to help you follow this schedule.

  • We have an onboard wizard that will guide you through setup steps.
  • We have videos that teach every step you need to take.
  • And if all that isn’t enough, our manual and support staff are available, too!

With this plan, you can indeed go from Zero to Hero in 2 weeks.

Onboarding in Two Weeks

Day 1

This is the day you turn on your server and get it connected to the internet. Once connected, the iPoint team will deploy the software and ensure that everything is running as it should.

Day 2

Once iPoint is installed, you will start configuring the software for your company by entering company details, adding users, and customizing software settings. Today you’ll also get iPoint installed on your users’ devices so they can start learning how to use iPoint.

Day 3

It is time to start entering your data! Today you will learn how to pull data from QuickBooks and start learning how to groom your data to match the added functionality iPoint brings. If you are pulling data from another software, today is the day you’ll send that information to support where we’ll import it for you.

Day 4-5

For the next two days, you and your team will focus on grooming your item database. There are several data elements iPoint uses that may be different from your past software experience. This added information will help streamline how your staff does their jobs.

Week 2

iPoint is set up! Now it is time to get your team learning how to use the new software. Each of your employees has a series of videos to watch teaching them how to do their respective job roles in iPoint. So this week, carve out 60 – 90 minutes for each team member to learn how to do their job functions in your new software.

And if you aren’t entirely done grooming your item database, you’ll have time to finish that up, too!

Live in iPoint!

Now that iPoint is set up, and your team is trained, they can start working in iPoint. Focus on transferring existing jobs into iPoint. Additionally, all new work should be done using iPoint.

You will want to make sure that everyone is getting the hang of the new processes. And above all, encourage your team for the great work they are doing!

What are the steps?

Here is a summary of how the onboarding process works.

  1. Server Acquisition
    The first step is to get your server. This section describes the server specs needed to run iPoint successfully. You can purchase your own server, or we also have a couple of recommended machines where you can click the link and buy it!
  2. Server & Network Configuration
    Once the server arrives, you’ll turn it on and ensure the machine and network are configured properly. This section provides all the details on network requirements and battery backup needs. This is also the part of the Onboarding where our Deployment Team will load your server with the software.
  3. First Things First
    While you are waiting for the server to be fully deployed, there are some decisions you can make and some data and graphics you can gather.
  4. iPoint Setup
    Use the “Setup Wizard” :https://ipointsolutions.net/manual/1/en/topic/setup-wizard-intro in iPoint to walk you through the steps of setting up iPoint. The Wizard is visible to system administrators and is displayed across the top of the iPoint dashboard.
    • Each step through the Wizard will provide short tutorial videos.
    • Watch the videos and then follow the setup instructions in the Wizard
    • Advance to the next stage of the Wizard… watch the videos … follow the steps
    • Rinse and repeat… and you’ll have iPoint set up in one week
    • Then, in week two, you’ll train your staff using videos in the iPoint University.

To help guide you through the workflow in iPoint, we have created two flow charts. Feel free to click on either one to view the PDF version, suitable for downloading.

Basic Workflow Detailed Workflow
iPoint Detailed Workflow
Last modified: 19 Feb 2025

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