This manual is designed to explain all the buttons, links, and fields available in iPoint. As you use the software, you’ll find elements that are used in multiple modules and windows. In the software world, we call this consistency.
Since we don’t want to write about a specific button or link on every page that is used, this page will refer to common actions, buttons, and fields used throughout the software.
Window Navigation At the top of every window, you’ll see the iPoint logo bracketed by two arrows.
- Clicking the iP logo will always take you back to the iPoint dashboard.
- The < left arrow takes you back to the previous window you were on.
- The > right arrow takes you to the next page (used when you have already clicked backward).
- Note: Hovering over either arrow will display the window destination if clicked.
- Options – most of the lists in each module have some sorting or filtering options available by clicking the options. These vary from module to module, so we describe them in greater detail in the specific manual page for each module.
- New – you’ll find a button to create a new record in nearly every module as well.
- Wild Card Search – and the all-important “wild card” search. Think of this as the Google™ search for your list, find records that contain a specific alpha/numeric character string.
- Go to List When you are on any document (a proposal, sales order, work order, invoice, etc.), the Go to List link will take you to the list of whatever document you are on. On a work order? Go to List will take you to a list of work orders. On an item detail? Go to List will take you to a list of items.
Customer Field Wherever you need to enter a customer name, you can start typing the name, and the system will auto-populate a name based on the list of customers in your database. However, if you click the small magnifying glass in the entry field, a Select a Customer window will open, where you can search for a customer using the wildcard search. Now you can search for addresses, partial names, street names, zip codes, etc.
Clear Drop-down button Throughout the software, you’ll find drop-down menus to select some kind of data. At the end of the drop-down field is an X. Clicking on that X button will clear the drop-down field.
Item Search
Throughout iPoint, you can add items to various documents. In most cases, the item search process uses this window.
The bottom two-thirds of the search window is a list of all the parts in the database. You can scroll through the list to find just the part you want. Then, click on the part to add it to the document.
Discontinued – an item with this icon indicates the item has been discontinued but is still in this list because there is available inventory.
- Product – the item name
- Manufacturer – the name of the company that manufactures the item
- Price – the sale price of the item
In some cases, the items will be color-coded. For example, if the item is highlighted green, that indicates that there is physical inventory available. A purple highlighted item means that the item is actually a Package.
Obviously, it can take a while to scroll through the entire list of parts to find the one you want. So, use the filters at the top of the screen to narrow your search.
- Manufacturer – choosing a company from the dropdown list will limit the parts list to only those made by that company. Pick Sony, for example, to only see Sony products.
- Category – the category narrows the search even further. For example, you can find only Display Devices made by Sony
- Type – use the type field to refine the list. Using our Sony example, you could choose LCD to only find Sony LCD Display Devices.
- Wild Card Search – enter a text string to search items part number, manufacturer number, and descriptions. Entering HDMI will return HDMI cables, but also could return televisions and receivers if their descriptions say “Has 6 HDMI inputs on the back.”
Use all of the filters to narrow down the number of items from which to choose. Or, use the Clear All Filters button to empty all the search fields and display the entire item list.
Mobile Icons
The mobile app used on mobile phones and tablets use their own set of icons.
– this button will take you back to the previous screen
– click this button to go to the mobile iPoint dashboard
– the magnifying glass opens a wild card search for the currently viewed list
– use the sort button to organize a mobile list by different sort fields
– there are a variety of filtering options depending on the list being viewed
– the gears provide additional options for the list or screen
– the calendar opens the calendar module
The Quick Links bar at the bottom of each mobile screen provides shortcuts to areas technicians use most often.
- The first icon is not currently used.
- Parts – the cardboard box opens the parts list on the work order being viewed
- Contact – the person silhouette opens the customer’s contact details
- Tasks – the checkbox opens the list of tasks for the work order
- Time Clock – the clock is used to track time worked on a work order