Pop Up List: Credit Memo Status ExamplePop Up List: Credit Memo Status

The Credit Memo Status, much like the Invoice Status, helps users know the status of a credit memo. Pretty tricky, huh? For example, you might include a status of Submitted so that iPoint users know that the credit memo has been sent/submitted to the customer.

Set Up

  1. Place your cursor in the first available blank space and type the name of the credit memo status.
  2. Repeat until all statuses have been entered.
  3. Use the Sort Order field to organize the statuses into the order you prefer.
  4. The First checkbox should be selected on the default status of a new credit memo.
  5. The Last checkbox signifies the status when the credit memo has been fully processed.
  6. To delete an individual Credit Memo Status, click the blue X at the end of the line you wish to remove.

Pop Up List: Credit Memo Status ExamplePop Up List: Credit Memo Status Example


  • The Credit Memo status is set on the bottom right-hand corner of the Credit Memo.
  • The Status can be used to sort and filter Credit Memos in the Credit memo list.


iPoint Version: 10.0123
Last modified: 25 Jan 2021

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