Activities are trackable tasks designed to aid employees in achieving a specific number of actionable contacts during a specified time frame.
- Sales personnel might rely on activities to ensure they are making a certain number of sales calls.
- Sales Managers can set targets for each sales staff member in the number of phone calls made, proposals written, meetings scheduled, and so on.
- Management could use activities to track a specific number of continuing education units per year needed to maintain a technician’s license.
In the Activities tab, you can view a list of activities related to this customer.
At the top of the window are three icons:
- Back Arrow takes you back to the customer details screen.
- Magnifying Glass is used to search for a specific activity using a wildcard search. Enter the word or phrase and click Filter to display only activities containing that word or phrase.
- Plus Icon is used to create a new activity.
For each activity, you can see:
- Activity name
- Type: Activity type
- When: Activity date and time
- Agenda: Activity agenda
Activities that have been completed are also marked Complete along the left edge of the activity information.
Activity Details
Tap an individual activity in the Activity List view to open for editing and further details.
You can edit each of these fields by tapping on the field.
- Activity Type – your system administrator will set up the activity type. Choose from one of the available options by tapping the list and placing a yellow star next to your selection.
- Purpose – this is an open note field where you can describe the reason for your contact.
- Resource – this is the user who the activity is assigned to
- Customer – most activities are related to a specific contact. Choose a contact in your by placing a star next to their name in the pop-up list.
- Start/End – enter the Start date and time as well as the End date and time
- Status – use this field to track the progress of the status. The Activity Status uses the Work Order Status list, which is defined in Settings
- Agenda – this is another open text field where you can enter details about this activity. If the text is greater than the visible space, tap on the area to read the entire agenda.
- Result – this is an open text field where you can document the activity’s results. If the text is greater than the visible space, tap on the field to read the entire result.
- Location – the location will auto-populate based on the customer chosen above. Tap on the field for full edit capabilities. Note: changing the address here does not affect the customer’s address.
- Notifications – use this field to send reminders to one or more individuals about this activity. Each notification requires the following details:
- User – select the name of an iPoint user from the list by tapping on the field.
- Method – choose how to notify the user, either by Email, Text, or Slack. The details for these methods come from the user’s settings.
- Time – the number of minutes or hours before the Activity Start will send the notification. The time field is used in conjunction with the Min/Hour option below.
- Min/Hour – choose hours or minutes to be used with the Time choice above.
Add Event Notification – use the + button in the top right corner to add additional notifications for other people or times.
- Permissions – you can grant permissions to individual users to view and/or edit the activity. Warning: If you change the permission to choose a list of users, and you are not on that list, you will lose access to view or edit once you hit the Done button.
- View – tap on the list of users and place a star next to the people who should be able to view this activity.
- Edit – tap on the list of users and put a star next to the people who should have edit access to this activity.
- Note: Clearing the stars from everyone on the list will provide access to All users.
Tap the Schedule follow-up button to create another due date for the activity. Your options are Tomorrow, which creates a reminder for the next day at the same time, Next Week, which makes the reminder for seven days from now, using the same time, or Custom Date, where you can define the date and time of the follow-up activity.
Tap the red Complete & Log This Activity button to mark this activity as done. iPoint will time and date stamp the time of completion.
The green Save and close button closes the Activity Details pop-up.
The Quick Links Bar at the bottom of the window provides three options:
- Locations – will open the location address in your default map software
- People – opens the contact details of the associated customer
- Calendar – displays the activity on the calendar