First, you have to un-deliver the part.
  1. Open the Sales Order
  2. Click the Product tab
  3. Click the blue Product Manager button
  4. Click the Details button next to the item you want to return and remove
  5. On the This Item tab, click the red Return button above the location list
    Product Return
  6. At the bottom of the window, choose a location to return the product to from the Return To dropdown – we recommend your staging area
  7. Enter the quantity to be returned
  8. Now, you’ll see a red Save Return button, which will open a popover window where you can enter the reason the product is being returned. This is a required field.
  9. Click Continue


Now, you will see that the product is in the staging area.

  1. Click the blue Un-Allocate link
    Un-Allocate Part
  2. Again, you’ll need to tell iPoint where the product will be located, most likely your warehouse.
  3. Enter the quantity to be transferred in the Transfer Qty field
  4. Click the red Save Remove button
  5. You will now be prompted to state what kind of removal this is.
    • Permanent will remove the item from the Product Manager and place it in a queue to be added to a purchase order. Clicking this link will cause the item to be greyed out and crossed through on the product list until it is properly removed with a change order.
    • Stock simply returns the product to your warehouse and leaves it on the Product Manager as requested. This is typically used if you are robbing the part from this job to be used on another job. The item is now listed on the Product Request Manager for your ordering staff to re-order or re-stage.
  6. Back on the product manager screen, you will see the status of the part you adjusted.


If this was a permanent removal, you will now need to add the item to the change order.

  1. Open the Sales Order and click on the Change Orders tab
  2. Make sure that there is a change order available. If you have more than one change order, make sure the Active change order is where you want to add the removed part
  3. Click on the Added & Removed Parts tab
  4. The parts you removed will be displayed on the right side of the window under Removed Parts
  5. Click the green Add Removal to Change Order button next to the item you want to place on the change order.
  6. If you accidentally permanently removed the part, click the red Restore Remove Qty button to put the part back on the Product Manager.
  7. Now, you can go back to the Manage Change Order tab and complete the change order process.

Last modified: 25 Oct 2023

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