September Update!

Designer Enhancements in iPoint Online!

We’ve been working hard to make the Designer as good as possible when accessing iPoint through a web browser. When using it on smaller proposals, it works great! On larger proposals, we highly recommend that you filter the Designer as much as possible so you are looking at a smaller group of items for the best experience. Here are some highlights of changes we made to make the experience better.

  • In-line editing of items in the Designer
  • Multi-select filter options so you can filter to view multiple locations, groups, change orders, etc at the same time
    • This is also available in FileMaker Pro and can be turned on in Settings > Module Settings > Beta
  • Ability to collapse locations and groups
    • Note that when a location or group is collapsed, there will be a blank white line immediately underneath the locations/group name
  • Added PDF Shortcuts button in the designer > Options
    • This allows you to view, save, email, e-sig, etc. the client proposal without going to the client proposal
    • The Client Proposal screen is very complicated due to all the options we have available to customize your template. Unfortunately the web display takes a long time to load this screen, so we’ve added the buttons so you can get your PDF as fast as possible.
  • Removed flashing that occurs when another user adds items to any proposal

Training Video

Tips and Tricks Video for Using the Designer in iPoint Online

iPoint Online Drop Down Menus

The drop downs in iPoint online were horrible. You couldn’t scroll through them or type ahead, you had to arrow down and yeah they stunk. So we made a change! Now when you click in one of those fields, it will open up a card window where you can search and select what you want to select. This should be much faster and let you get your selection made and move on with your work.

Clicking to set the Manufacturer

Better Logging for Processing Recurring Invoices

For any Recurring invoice that is pending (hasn’t been sent yet or charge or waiting on any step in the process), you will now be alerted to those right from the Accounting Menu. From there you can better see what’s wrong with any given invoice and set the recurrence state of that invoice to attempt to have it send again. You can also do this in bulk, so if something went awry with your email (like you changed your password and forgot to put the new password in Settings), then you can set all the invoices that didn’t send to resend in one fell swoop.

Beta Calendar Improvements

We’ve made some changes to get the Beta Calendar working more reliably in iPoint online and asl to mimic some of the features that people love about the Legacy Calendar. At this point, iPoint’s recommendation is for you to use whichever calendar you like best. They both work and will continue to work, so it’s honestly a personal preference of which calendar works best for you. Your co-worker can use the Legacy and you can use the Beta and all will still be fine.

  • Technicians you select will appear on the calendar in the order you select them, instead of being listed alphabetically
  • Milestone Coloring works
  • Status Coloring improved
  • Mapping bug fixes

Portal Proposal Import Improvements

  • We now import in the Project Description from Portal into the Scope of Work section in iPoint.
  • We also import in the Area Client Description from Portal into the Location Scope in iPoint
  • If you have multiple Portal accounts, you can now put in the API key for your alternate account to pull Proposals from that account.
    • To get your API key, go to Settings > Integrations > Portal and enter in the username and password

New Filter Options

  • Class is now a Filter Option in the Invoice List
  • Group is now a Filter Option in the Product Manager

Additional Logging of WO Notices

We’ve added to the Notification log on the Work Order when you customer click to Confirm, Cancel, or Reschedule.

Site From Sales Order to PO

Now when you create a Purchase Order from the Product Manager of a Sales Order, the Site of the Sales Order will carry through to the PO.

Edit the Labor Cost Rate for Time Entries on the Sales Order

We set the cost based on the what’s in Settings > Labor Phases, but if you need to manually edit the cost due to a change in rate, you can now do so in the Sales Order > Project Tab > Project Time portal. Note that you need to have the Sales Order Edit Cost permission set to be able to change this.

Parts Amount Modifier Bug

If you use the Parts Amount Modifier AND you have a unit price of an item that is less than the Min/Map, iPoint was previously letting the item go below Min/Map to the Unit Price. This was causing issues with change orders, so now we do not let that price go below the Min/Map. This is a very rare situation and your unit price should be higher than Min/Map for all products.

Last modified: 16 Sep 2024

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