Customer Email Campaigns

The Campaigns tab shows information about the Marketing that has taken place for the customer.

Email Campaigns/Lists

Under Email Campaigns/Lists, checkboxes show if the customer has Opted In or Out of the two main types of Campaigns. You can edit these yourself here. Or, the customer can make changes by visiting a link that iPoint adds to each message sent through the system.

Opt-Out of Marketing Campaigns – a check in this box means that iPoint will not send any marketing style messages to the contact
Opt-Out of Event-based Campaigns – this box means that iPoint will not send emails based on customer events (purchases, document status, etc.) to the contact

Any time the box is checked, whether by a staff member or the customer themselves, a timestamp will display who checked the box and when they did it.

Note: Opting out of marketing email does not affect emails sent directly to the customer containing invoices, proposals, or work order confirmations.

  • Username – the customer’s email address is displayed, so you know which email is used in the campaigns.

List Membership

This portal displays a list of email lists that include the customer. These lists can be dynamic (the list is adjusted and changes to include members who meet specific criteria) or a fixed list (where people are intentionally added to a list).

Dynamic Lists include a “refresh” button, which may or may not take this customer out of that List, depending, of course, on the List’s membership criteria.

You can click on any list name to “open the list in the Marketing Module” :

Campaign Subscriptions

Campaign Subscriptions takes a step up from there to show which Campaigns include the Lists where the customer’s email is included. Clicking on a name opens the campaign in the Marketing Module.

iPoint Version: 9.06
Last modified: 15 Dec 2021

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