QuickBooks iPoint relies on QuickBooks to do the financial reporting for your company. iPoint seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks Desktop (Pro, Premium, and Enterprise editions) or QuickBooks Online.

The purpose of this Quick Start Guide is to get you up and running with QuickBooks, covering the basic information necessary for iPoint to interact with QuickBooks. This guide will not answer every question about QuickBooks integration.

Specific instructions for setting up both QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online are detailed in the OB Data class which is part of the ** iPoint Setup ** University course. You can access iPoint University in the software dashboard under the* Support* module.

For people who would rather read the instructions, you can continue on through these four steps, by clicking on the topic in the menu to the left.

  1. Integration
  2. Chart of Accounts
  3. Lists
  4. Importing Data

For more specific details and advanced options visit the QuickBooks tab in the Settings module. quickly. Step 4 will take a bit longer depending on the quantity of data you have in QB.

QuickBooks Versions

Intuit has created a number of QuickBooks flavors and iPoint will synchronize with the following:

QuickBooks Desktop (earliest supported version is 2013)

  • QuickBooks Pro
  • QuickBooks Premier
  • QuickBooks Enterprise

QuickBooks Desktop runs on your local machine can connect to your Quickbooks data file stored anywhere on your local network. This does limit Quickbooks to only be used on computers that are on your local network, (Quickbooks does NOT recommend using a VPN connection, only a local machine). For access outside your local network, you can connect to a local machine through RDP, Teamviewer, Screen Connect or similar service to run Quickbooks.

To use QuickBooks Desktop with iPoint both software clients need to be running on the same computer. This can be done in multiple ways:

  • A single computer running both iPoint and Quickbooks Desktop with the Quickbooks data stored locally.
  • A computer running both iPoint and Quickbooks Desktop connected to the local network where the Quickbooks data is stored.
  • A remotely accessed machine on the local network running both iPoint and QuickBooks together on the local machine.

QuickBooks Online

  • QuickBooks Plus
  • QuickBooks Advanced

QuickBooks Online is accessible from any internet connection, so running iPoint with QuickBooks Online is not limited by your location or network.

iPoint Version: 10.0108
Last modified: 15 Jan 2025

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