The Used By tab shows you every Item that uses this part as an accessory.
The list on the right side displays:
- Used By = the parent or package that uses this item as an accessory
- Qty Used = the number of these items used on the parent item.
– the checkbox is used in conjunction with the replacement process detailed below.
– this button will open a new window showing the parent item on the list.
Note: In our example to the right you’ll notice that the DTR-60.5 appears twice in the Used By list. This indicates that the part has been added as an accessory two times (once on two separate lines) on the parent item.
Replacing Accessories
You may have an item that has been discontinued or replaced with a different part. This could be due to a manufacturer change or a model year-end.
The right side of the Used By window is where you can swap out this accessory for a new or different item.
- Search for Replacement Item button – click this button to open a search screen where you can use standard Manufacturer, Category, Type, and Wild Card searches to locate the new, replacement part.
- The dropdown list will be filled with the part you chose above. Or, you can manually type a part number in the field.
- Click the Replace All button and iPoint will replace the part with the new part you chose in the dropdown field above.
- Click the Replace Selected button to only swap out parts for the checked items from the list to the left.
- Delete All will remove this item completely from any parent item and it will no longer be an accessory on any item.
iPoint Version:
Last modified:
6 May 2021