Tapping on the Work Order module on the dashboard brings you to the Work Order List. The work orders displayed here are based on options chosen in iPointTech Settings
Note: The Work Order module is unavailable in offline mode. However, individual work orders displayed at the top of the Dashboard are available.
Each work order shows:
- WO Name – as defined by your system administrator. By default, the name includes the technician’s initials, the work order number, and the customer/job name.
- Start Date & Time – the scheduled date and time when work is to begin
- Work Order Description – the first few lines of the work order description, as defined by the person scheduling the work order
Tasks – this icon means that there are tasks on the work order
Quick Links Bar
The Quick Links Bar at the bottom of the work order list provides paginated navigation to additional work orders. Based on settings, each page will have a specified number of work orders displayed. In each case, the buttons indicates the number of work orders being displayed
- < – the back arrow takes you to the previous page of work orders
- Refresh – the “recycle” button refreshes the current page of work orders
- > the forward arrow loads the next page of work orders
- Gear – the gear icon provides macro navigation including:
- Number of work order records in the list
- Total number of pages of work orders available to view
- Go to First Page button – loads the first page of work orders
- Go to Last Page button – can you guess which page this loads?
- Go to Page button – loads the Nth page of work orders where you define the value of N.
List adjustments
At the top right corner of the Work Order List are three icons. Tapping on any of these opens a number of methods to find, sort, and filter the list of work orders displayed.
The Magnifying Glass opens a text field where you can do a wildcard search. Enter the name of a customer, an address detail, or any number of alphanumeric text strings to display only work orders that match that search.
Use the Sort icon to reveal three Sort Fields.
- Tap on any of the Sort Fields to reveal multiple sort options
- Tap on the desired sort option to select it
- Tap on a selected sort option to remove it
- Repeat the process for the other Sort Fields as desired
- Tap on the Save button at the bottom.
The list of Work Orders will now be sorted based on the criteria entered. Note: You can stack multiple sort fields to refine the way iPointTech sorts the list.
Several Filter Options are available by tapping on the funnel icon.
- Clear All Filters – when one or more filters have been set, this option clears them so that the list displays all the available work orders.
- Archived Work Orders – select On to show work orders, even if they have been archived. Off will cause archived work orders to not be displayed.
- Start Date – a date entered here shows work orders scheduled after the date entered.
- End Date – displayed work orders will show if they are scheduled before the date entered.
- Type Filters – tap this filter to display work order Types. You can tap on one or more types to cause those types of work orders to be displayed in the list. Tap Save to apply your choices.
- Status Filters – the work order status is set as people schedule the work, check-in and out, and manually modify the status. Tap this filter to choose one or multiple statuses to define which work orders are displayed.
- Technician Filters – choose to display work orders assigned to a specific technician. Again, you can select multiple technicians by tapping multiple names.
- Advanced Filters – tapping this filter reveals a number of other, less common, filters that are available.
- Project Manager – find work orders attributed to one or more PMs.
- Sales Rep – display work orders for specific salespeople.
- Billable – only show work orders that are marked as billable
- Class – if your company uses the optional classes, you can filter based on the class(es) you choose
- Custom 1 or Custom 2 – again, these optional fields can be sorted on. Remember that your custom fields may have been renamed by your system administrator.
- Age Greater Than – choose a defined number of days to show old work orders that are xx days old.
A Bunch of Notes:
- Most of the filters described can be customized by your system administrator in the settings module.
- If a filter has been applied, the arrow on the right side of the filter name will turn yellow. This is a quick visual indicator that a filter has been applied.
- You can utilize multiple filters to refine the list even further.
- Combine Wild Card, Sorts, and Filters to become a Master Work Order List Builder!
- The wildcard search, sorts, and filters are not available offline, because the work order list is not available when working offline.