There are three main areas of content on this tab.
E-Signature Proposal
This is where the customer’s signature is stored when a proposal is signed electronically on the iPoint Web Portal.
Proposal Window – if the proposal has been sent to the customer electronically, a thumbnail will appear in the first window.
- Clicking on the thumbnail image opens an Options popover window.
- View opens the PDF for you to see. iPoint uses the default PDF viewer on the user’s computer.
- Copy makes a copy of the PDF that you can put into another document holder.
- Export opens a dialogue window enabling the user to save the PDF to their computer.
- Close closes the Options popup window.
Next to the proposal thumbnail are the PDF Name and the Proposal Name (which oftentimes are the same).
Then you’ll see the customer’s electronic signature. This space will be blank if the customer hasn’t signed in to the Web Portal yet.
Place a tick in the Viewable on Project/WOs box to allow this signed proposal to be included in the associated proposal and work orders.
If the proposal has been emailed to the customer, the date and time Submitted will be presented in green.
Next, the Revision Number and Created date/time stamp are displayed.
Finally, you’ll see the E-Signature Options button, which opens a pop-over with more information about the proposal.
- Email Link button – opens the Email Signature Portal Link
- Options button has two options:
- Standard (tab) > Demote from E-Sig Version – This will move the proposal down to the Documents section, freeing up the E-Signature for a new revision.
- Advanced > Delete – Deletes the E-Signature Proposal. iPoint recommends that you Demote rather than Delete… because Delete is permanent!
Submitted to Client indicates that the proposal has been sent to the customer. This is checked when an email is sent using the Email button and will be time-stamped with the date and time the proposal was sent.
- Accepted/Declined – these radio buttons are marked by the customer in the Web Portal when they click “Accept” or “Decline.”
- Client Comment displays any comments that the customer has put into the Web Portal while they were signing.
- Client Signature displays the signature that the customer entered online.
- Client Name Entered shows what the customer typed in as their name.
- The Preview Signature Page button opens a preview of what the customer will see. At the top of the preview are buttons to show how the Web Portal displays on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer.
- Visit Signature Page opens the Web Portal view the customer will see. This is also the way you can have your customer sign while you are onsite with the customer.
On the right side of the E-Signature Options screen is displayed several date details showing:
- When the proposal was First Viewed
- What date the proposal was Last Viewed
- The Total Views is the count of times this proposal was opened on the Web Portal
- The date and time of All Views
Contract With Signature
Now that the customer has signed the agreement, you probably want to print that out, right? If you’ve gone to the document section and tried to view the E-Signature Proposal, you’ll see that the customer’s signature is in the system but not on the printed proposal. That is because you are viewing the original document that the customer was first looking at.
To get that electronic signature printed on the PDF, go to the Reports tab and generate the Client Proposal again. This also works on the Sales Order by printing the Client Contracted Sales Order. Now you’ll see the customer’s John Hancock on the appropriate contract lines.
Here’s another tip. When you print the Client Contracted Sales Order, instead of pushing the View PDF button, choose the Save in Docs button. Now the PDF is generated and stored in the Documents tab on the sales order.
Other Docs
This is the place to store supporting documents for your customer’s proposal. This could include specification sheets for products the customer is interested in or contracts from other sub-contractors. Or you might choose to store programming files or customer images here. Other Documents can also contain demoted revisions of E-Signature Proposals from the top section.
Each document stored on the proposal displays:
- Document Thumbnail – the image box shows a thumbnail of the document’s first page.
- Document Name and Document Description
- The E-signature Options button is available for documents that were demoted from the E-Signature Proposal section. The pop-up window allows users to Promote to E-Sig Version, which is useful if your customer decides they want to go back to a previous revision of the proposal. All other options are the same as described in the E-Signature Proposal section above.
- A Delete button is available if you want to obliterate the document. Keep in mind this is permanent, and there is no undo option available.
Place a tick in the Viewable on Project/WOs box to allow this document to be included on the associated proposal and work orders.
- Revision and Creation information is also displayed.
Add a Document
To add a document in the Docs/Assignments tab:
- Add a document
- Drag and drop a file into the Add Content Here field, OR
- Right-click the Add Content Here field and select Insert Picture or Insert File, OR
- Copy and paste in an image from another location
- Add a description for this document in the Description field
- Untick the Viewable on Project/WOs checkbox if desired. Documents added to the proposal are available by default on the associated Project and Work Orders. If you do not want the document to be available, clear the checkbox.
Note: Most proposal or sales order reports can be saved directly in the proposal. Under the Options button on the report, click the Save in Docs button.
Document Options
Click on the document’s thumbnail image for additional document options:
- View – opens the document in its default application (i.e., Acrobat Reader for a PDF, Microsoft Word for a word document)
- Copy – make a copy of the document to paste into an email
- Export – open’s the save dialogue on your computer so you can save the file to your hard drive
- Delete – makes the document go away…. forever! – New in 10.0330
- Close – close the Options popover window
Assignments are internal “to-dos” assigned to various staff members from nearly every document in iPoint. When an assignment references a specific proposal, it will appear here.
Assignment summary includes:
- Description of the task or assignment.
- Creation date, time, and the user who created it.
- Staff member who is responsible for completing the assignment.
- Status of the assignment
- Category
- Priority
- Due date when the assignment should be completed.
Clicking on the Assignment opens a Details Window. Read more about Assignments here.
When an assignment is greyed out, that is an indicator that the assignment has been completed. You can still click on completed assignments to view them.