Proposal Options: CustomizationProposal Options: Customization

The Customizations section is where you can modify the actual text displayed on the proposal. The various options are broken into five sections. Click on the header to go to the appropriate section of this manual page for details on each button.

  • Standard – define what lines and pricing will be displayed
  • Text Options – customize how various text elements are displayed
  • Layout Options – specify where subtotal are displayed
  • Advanced – adjust what the displayed price includes
  • Filters – display labor and products using search options



These options define what lines and text are displayed.

Show/Hide Detailed SummaryShow/Hide Detailed Summary

Hide/Show Detailed Summary

Each subsection (Group, Location, and Phase) shows the total price of all included items. This option allows you to break out the total of parts and labor or show just the combined total of both. The placement of these subtotals are defined in the Text Options tab.

Hide Detailed Summary button Causes section sub-totals to display a single amount which is the total of both Parts and Labor

Show Detailed Summary button Makes the section subtotal display both the Parts subtotal and Labor subtotal as well as the combined subtotal for that section.

Show/Hide All ItemsShow/Hide All Items

Hide/Show All Items

There is no real magic here. This button either displays individual line items or hides them. It does not affect section subtotals or the overall total of the proposal.

Hide All Items button Will cause all individual line items on the proposal button to be hidden. Selecting this option also hides many other customization options listed on this page.

Show All Items button Will allow every line item to be displayed, which means other customization options are available to you as well.


Show/Hide AccessoriesShow/Hide Accessories

Hide/Show Accessory

Items can be nested on a proposal so that a part has one or more accessories tied to it. For example, a television (the parent item) might have an articulating mount, a backbox, a surge suppressor, and an HDMI cable (children items) included as accessories. The Item Details may have defined these accessories when system administrators added them to the iPoint database. Or a salesperson could have manually tied them to a parent on the Designer.

Hide Accessory button This button will cause the accessories of a parent item to be hidden. When hiding accessories, the parts, and labor value are added to the total of the parent item. For example, if the television and labor to install it was sold at $750, and the mount and surge suppressor accessories totaled $150, hiding accessories would cause the television to be displayed at $900.

Show Accessory button Will make accessory items display under their respective parent item. Typically accessories are shown indented under the parent item, although there is a setting to change that in “Text Options” :

Note: It is essential to note that an individual accessory can be marked as hidden on the Item Details or in the Designer. The printed proposal will not display the accessory in those instances regardless of the Show/Hide Accessory option chosen. And, just like hiding the accessory, the price of the parent item will include the price of those hidden items.

Show/Hide Accessory PricesShow/Hide Accessory Prices

Hide/Show Accessory Prices

Much like the Hide Accessory option described above, this option allows the accessories to be displayed, but the associated prices will not be displayed. Hiding the prices does not change the total of the proposal. Instead, the hidden accessory price is added to the parent item.

Hide Accessory Prices button With this button, the prices for each accessory are rolled into the parent item. The accessories are still displayed, just without individual prices.

Show Accessory Prices button Use this option to display the prices for the accessory. This allows both the part and associated labor to be displayed.


Show/Hide Labor LinesShow/Hide Labor Lines

Hide/Show Labor Lines

Labor can be included in a proposal in one of two ways. First, it can be associated with a part representing the amount of time an individual item takes to install. Secondly, labor can be included as a particular line. This second option adds a blanket amount of time to a proposal that is not tied to a specific item and can be displayed as a parent item or an accessory. In addition, this option allows you to hide the second type of labor, the independent line of labor.

Hide Labor Lines button Click this button to hide individual labor lines, whether an accessory or a parent item. Hidden labor line pricing will still be included in the section subtotal. And if the hidden labor is an accessory, the price is rolled into the parent item’s price.

Show Labor Lines button Causes the individual labor lines to be displayed and printed.


Show/Hide Line PricesShow/Hide Line Prices

Hide/Show Line Price

There are typically two columns of prices after each line item on a proposal. The second column is the Line Price and includes the unit price multiplied by the number of items sold. It is also the number that is increased to account for hidden accessories.

Hide Line Price button This button will cause the Line Price column to be hidden on each line item. It does not affect the summary totals.

Show Line Price button When this button is clicked, the second column reappears, as if by magic.

Show/Hide Unit PricesShow/Hide Unit Prices

Hide/Show Unit Price

After each line item on a proposal, the second column of prices is highly customizable. In its default state, the number represents the unit price of a single item.

Hide Unit Price button When this button is clicked, the first column will be hidden.

Show Unit Price button Click this button to bring back the long-lost unit price column.

Note: The Show Unit Price and Show Labor VS Unit must be selected on the Advanced tab for this button to function.

Show/Hide Installed PriceShow/Hide Installed Price

Hide/Show Installed Price

By default, the second column of numbers after each line item shows the Installed Price as defined on the Item Details. The installed price includes both the product and the associated labor price.

Hide Installed Price button When this button is clicked, the second column price will exclude the labor portion of the Installed Price.

Show Installed Price button Using this button displays the Installed Price of each item.

Remember, this column can include the price of hidden accessories. So using the Hide Installeled Price button would hide the labor on accessories included in the parent item.

Show/Hide Installed PriceShow/Hide Installed Price

Hide All/Show Prices

Hide All Prices button Click this button to hide all prices on the proposal, including section summaries.

Show Prices button This button will display prices as defined using the above price options.


Proposal: Text OptionsProposal: Text Options

Text Options

The Text Options tab is where you define what words and formatting are used in the description of the items on your customer’s proposal.


Show/Hide NotesShow/Hide Notes

Hide/Show Notes

As the salesperson builds the proposal, and then again on the sales order itself, they can enter sales Notes on individual items. [ Read More ]

Hide Notes button When this button is clicked, the Sales Notes entered on individual parts will not be displayed on the printed proposal.

Show Notes button This button causes the Sales Notes to be displayed.

Show/Hide Item Model NameShow/Hide Item Model Name

Hide/Show Model

The Model number is sometimes called a Manufacturer’s Part Number or SKU. This unique identifier helps distinguish exactly what part is being sold. Sometimes, however, you don’t want customers to know the actual model number.

Hide Model button Click this button to keep the model number of parts from being printed on the proposal

Show Model button This button will display the model number after the manufacturer name and before the item description (assuming those fields are included for printing).

Note: This option hides the model number field. If the model number is included in the item’s description, you will need to hide the entire description to exclude the model number. In our example, the Sanus mount shows the model number even when the hide button is engaged because it was included in the part number and description fields.

Show/Hide Item ManufacturerShow/Hide Item Manufacturer

Hide/Show Manufacturer

The Manufacturer field on the Item Details lists who makes the product.

Hide Manufacturer button Don’t want your customer to know who makes the item you are selling them? Click this button.

Show Manufacturer button Use this button to display the manufacturer for each item.

Show/Hide Item DescriptionShow/Hide Item Description

Hide/Show Description

The description of an item comes from the Sales Description on the Item Details. This is where you use plain English to define what the product is. Note: We strongly recommend you do not use the manufacturer, part number, or color of an item in the description. Rely on the respective fields to capture those details so you can control what prints on your customer’s proposals.

Hide Description button This button causes the item sales description to be removed from the printed proposal

Show Description button Activate this button to print the description

Show/Hide Item ColorShow/Hide Item Color

Hide/Show Color

By default, an item’s color field will be added to the end of the model number field. This is so you can define between rosewood and piano black colored speakers, for example. If the item’s color field is empty, nothing will be apepended to the model.

Hide Color button This button causes the color field to be excluded from the printed proposal

Show Color button Use this button to display the color of an item after the model number

Show Item Description Inline or BelowShow Item Description Inline or Below

Show Description Inline/Below

The default item view shows the Manufacturer and Model number on one line with the description directly underneath on a second line.

Show Description Inline button This button causes the description to begin immediately after the manufacturer and model number. If the description is long, it will wrap to the second line.

Show Description Below button Click this button causes the description to begin on the second line and wrap to the third and subsequent lines.

Remove or Restore Accessory IndentationRemove or Restore Accessory Indentation

Remove/Restore Acc Indent

Normally, accessories lines on a proposal are indented under the parent item. This helps readers see that the accessories are dependent on a master or parent product.

Remove Acc Indent button When you click this button, the accessories will be lined up directly underneath the parent item with no indication that they are an accessory.

Restore Acc Indent button Use this button to cause accessories to be indented under their parent item.


Proposal: Layout OptionsProposal: Layout Options

Layout Options

Use the Layout Options tab to define the position of totals and images used throughout the proposal.


Location/Group Subtotals Above and BelowLocation/Group Subtotals Above and Below

Location Totals Below

Each location (e.g. living room, kitchen, etc) can display the total price of parts, labor, and the combined total of the section. By default, the location totals are included in the graphical location header above the list of parts.

Location Totals Below button Clicking this button will cause the location sub-totals to be displayed below the list of parts.

Location Totals Above button This button causes the location sub-totals to be returned to their default location in the graphical header bar.

Note: What totals are displayed are determined by settings on the Standard and Advanced tabs.

Group Totals Below

Like the location section above, each group (e.g. security, audio-video, etc) can display the total price of parts, labor, and the combined total of the section. By default, the group totals are included in the graphical group header above the list of parts for that section.

Group Totals Below button Click this button to move the group subtotals to be displayed below the list of parts for that group.

Group Totals Above button Click this button to move the subtotals back to the graphical header bar for each group.

Note: What totals are displayed are determined by settings on the Standard and Advanced tabs.

Hide Summary Subtotals

What’s that you say? You don’t want any subtotals? Then this is the section for you!

Hide Summary Subtotals button This button hides the summary subtotals in both the Location & Group sections, no matter where they are set to display.

Show Subtotal Summary button Use this button to show the summary subtotals in the location specified above in Location and Group Totals.

Hide/Show Location SubtotalsHide/Show Location Subtotals

Hide Location Subtotals

Oh, so removing all subtotals isn’t quite what you meant? No sweat! You can hide just the location subtotals.

Hide Location Subtotals button This button will cause only the location subtotals to be removed.

Show Location Subtotals button This button pushes the location subtotals to be turned back on.

Hide/Show Group SubtotalsHide/Show Group Subtotals

Hide Group Subtotals

And surprise, surprise… this section hides only the group subtotals.

Hide Group Subtotals button Click this button to remove the group subtotals so they won’t print.

Show Group Subtotals button This button causes the group subtotals to appear, as if by magic!

Show/Hide Item Head EndShow/Hide Item Head End

Hide Head End

The Head End is a central location where the cables in an installation are run to and from. There is typically a rack of equipment here where processing and distribution take place. Each item on a proposal can have a head end defined and that will be displayed on the proposal directly under the item description.

Hide Head End button Click this button to turn off the head end indicator.

Show Head End button Use this button to reactivate the head end indication under the item description.

Show/Hide Item ImageShow/Hide Item Image

Hide Item Image

Every item in your database has the ability to display a picture of the item. For products, you might use a picture of the item. For labor or miscellaneous parts, you might create a graphic of some sort. By default, iPoint will display a thumbnail of the item on the printed proposal

Hide Item Image button Click this button to turn off the images.

Show Item Image button When you click this button, the images turn on again.

Advanced Tab Options for the Client ProposalAdvanced Tab Options for the Client Proposal


The advanced tab houses options that just don’t quite fit on the other tabs. Mostly dealing with special pricing displays, use these options to further customize your customer’s printed proposal.


Show Modified/Standard PricesShow Modified/Standard Prices

Show Modified Prices

The prices displayed are defined by options on the Standard tab described above. But using this section you can include the modifiers (as defined on the “Proposal Info tab” : as part of the line item pricing. This option adds the value of the modifiers on each individual line item of the proposal. And if the custom template you are using has been set to include Sales Tax (set in “Settings > Custom Templates > Options > Summary Options” : the modified price can also include the appropriate sales tax on each item.

Show Modified Prices button When you click this button, the price of each item is increased to show the appropriate modifiers and sales tax (if included on the template).

Show Standard Prices button Click this button to return the line item prices to the default (without modifiers or taxes).

Hide/Show Zero ValuesHide/Show Zero Values

Hide $0.00 Values

Hide $0.00 Values button If an item has a $0 price, you can hide the $0.00 value by clicking this button, effectively creating a blank space where the price should be.

Show $0.00 Values button This option displays the $0.00 pricing to items that don’t have a price.


Show MSRP or Unit PriceShow MSRP or Unit Price

Show Unit Price/Show MSRP

Show Unit Price button Click this button to show the edited unit prices you may have input in the Designer.

Show MSRP button Click the button to show Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (or MSPR) from the Item Master instead of the price you added for the item.

Show/Undo Optional Price OverrideShow/Undo Optional Price Override

Optional Price Override

Optional items are displayed on a proposal in blue text. The price of the optional items is never included in the subtotal or total for the proposal. By default, the extended price of optional items is not displayed.

Optional Price Override button Click this button to show the extended price of optional items. The price will be listed in blue as the indicator that this is not part of the displayed totals.

Undo Optional Override button When you click the Undo button, the optional prices will be hidden and not printed.

Show/Undo Labor vs. Unit PriceShow/Undo Labor vs. Unit Price

Show Labor VS Unit

On the proposal, the first column of prices defaults to the unit price of the item. So, for example, if you sold two $1,500 speakers, the first column would show $1,500 (unit price) and the second column would show $3,000 (extended price). This assumes that you are not including modifiers, labor, or other settings.

Show Labor VS Unit button When you click this button, the first column (unit price) is replaced with the labor price to install the item.

Undo Show Labor VS button Click this button to return to the default of showing the unit price.


Collapse/Expand All Same ItemsCollapse/Expand All Same Items

Collapse/Expand All Same Items

Collapse All Same Items button This button causes multiple items to be consolidated into a single line. For example, if you have two CSUB-12 subwoofers on your proposal, only one line would be printed, and the total quantity would be increased to 2.

Expand All Items button Click this button to return the proposal to showing each individual item.

Note: Collapsing same items only works if the item is exactly the same and in the same grouping or location. Using our example, if you turned on Locations (in the “Standard” : section above) and there was a CSUB-12 in the family room and another one in the theater, the two items would not be consolidated into one line item. However, if you hid locations the two speakers would be consolidated onto one line. This holds true for subdividing the proposal by group.
Another Note: When organizing by group or location you need to make sure that that is sorted first. So if you are sorting on Groups and only showing groups, your setting may be to order locations first without you knowing. You need to have that set to Groups first for this to work accurately.

Hide/Show Scope SummariesHide/Show Scope Summaries

Show Scope Summaries

A scope summary is a section of text that can be entered directly underneath the graphic section header. This is a space where you can type in additional comments for your customer to read. Look for the edit icon to indicate where you can enter a scope. Modifications to a scope summary only affect that scope summary and don’t affect any other proposal or the master scope summary.

The scope summary field is available under the Location or Group graphic header. It’s important to note that the scope summary is only available at the top level. If you are showing Groups first the scope summary will display under the Group graphic header. If you choose to show Locations first, then the scope will be under the Location section graphic. You cannot have a scope summary under both Groups and Locations. It is only available for the highest level.

Note: The Group scope summary can be prepopulated with default text that your system administrators define in Settings > Pop Up Lists > Proposal Groups.

Show Scope Summaries button Click this button to reveal the scope summary field under the section graphic.

Hide Scope Summaries button Use this button to hide the scope summary, even if text has been entered into the field.

Proposal: FiltersProposal: Filters


In the Filters tab, you can filter items on the proposal—just like in the Designer. The filters are particularly useful if the customer wants to see two separate proposals. You can split one proposal into two separate proposals with filters. For example, you could filter by group to split one proposal into a proposal for “security” and a proposal for “music system,” or you could filter by location to create separate proposals for “home theater room” and “master bedroom.”

Setting these filters will also update the totals at the bottom of the proposal so that only the items displayed will be included in the totals.


Filter by Group, Location, Manufacturer, Etc.Filter by Group, Location, Manufacturer, Etc.

Use the dropdown filters to find exactly the field you want to filter on. Keep in mind that the fields are customized based on the details that are entered into your proposal.

  • Manufacturer Filter – the dropdown list will show only the manufacturers that correspond with the items on your proposal. If you didn’t sell any Sony product, then Sony won’t be in the manufacturer dropdown list.
  • Category Filter – this filter shows only categories assigned to the parts on your proposal, not the entire list of categories your system administrator set up.
  • Type Filter – use this list of types that correlate to the items sold on the proposal.
  • Location Filter – choose one of the locations from your proposal to display the products that will be installed in that location.
  • Group Filter – use a specific equipment group to show only those products. Choose “Security” for example, to show only security gear.
  • Product Filter – if you want to show only one item, like the XBR-55×800E television installed in each room of the hotel you are working on, choose the TV model here and print out a proposal showing all the rooms where that model TV was sold.
  • Labor Phase Filter – use this to print the proposal based on the different labor phases associated with the items you sold.
  • Optional Items – this filter is helpful for printing a list of optional items for your customer to choose from. (Optional items are set on the proposal by marking the Optional checkbox.) New in 9.0903
    • Show Only – will cause the proposal to only display optional items
    • Don’t Show – will display every item except the optional things
    • Show All – shows every item

And yes, you can simultaneously use multiple filters to refine the list even further.

Use the X at the end of each filter to clear that filter field.
Or use the Clear All Filters button to reset all of the filters, returning the printed proposal to the way you originally designed it will all the equipment and labor being displayed.

iPoint Version: 9.0924
Last modified: 13 May 2022

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